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Monday, June 27, 2005

If You Aren't a Recipient

You should be. Wall Street Journal's online free Opinion Journal is a must read for tonight. It is a crying shame that we must rely on an Aussie blogger, Chrenkoff, to provide us with good news in this most vital war.

I am the quintessential American Rebel, my favorite American flags are "Don't Tread On Me" and the Confederate Battle flag, besides Old Glory Herself. I believe in the rights of the States to innact their own laws regardless of a neighboring state's laws. Our Constitution explicitly points this out. American History has been a major passion of mine since I was a running a trapline as a youngin' , me Pop's said I was born two hunnert years to late, I'd say 229 yrs, Oh, to have been a fly on the wall to hear Hamilton, Jefferson,Washington,etal deliver their speeches and rally a new nation born under God's gift of freedom and liberty. I dream of hearing Patrick Henry's mighty plea, " Give me Liberty or give me Death"! Give ground to Islamo- fascism or euro-socialism, never, never, never ! I can forgive a donkey, LGF has more member posters than BOR could dream of, Powerline and Hugh Hewitt get way more webhits than the mighty BOR's site ever does. BOR fears the blogosphere as the spin does start and stop with the blogs now, not his BOR majesty, much less his idotic staff. They do not control their members as they wish to, censoring free speech away from their gated grotto is FLAT OUT WRONG and more than a little bit rude.

Yes, I am a Scots/Irish and a freeman and I am preparing for war! This Sitting Bull warrior will not run for the hills. I intend to stand right here, its real hard to unfoot a mountain goat, grin!

" If you listen to fools the mob Rules"


Goat said...

Sheepdog, I Love that movie! We have traced my paternal name to that era and would have been part of that movement. James Webb wrote an outstanding book "Born Fighting" tracing Scots-Irish history. I had trouble putting it down, you will love it!

Goat said...

Lo and behold, Lo found me finally, welcome back to the barnyard!