Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: TGIF

Friday, September 09, 2005


Sorry I've been limited this week, I had to blow a liberal out of the water, for further reading on that visit Kevin's blog(sidebar), look for the post with alot of comments. My BOR friends will appreciate my comments, LMAO, and he is running for office???? Ah, the Barnyard of old, I am willing to visit and discuss issues with the loony-left but they are unwilling to visit me /us for a conversation, brings back memories of the FBZ and the thread that spawned this blog. I love good conversation even when I disagree if they have a factual logical basis for their argument. Some readers have wondered why I don't post more on illegal immigration, the gay agenda and prolife/anti abortion issues while I am an avid supporter of conservatism. I will try to explain, the II issue is well covered by many well funded excellent groups as are the other two issues. Two of these issues I have little interest in following or learning anymore details because it is a waste of time,abortion and the gay agenda, I am against them 100%, 'nuff said. On the other issue ,control the borders and figure out who is here before a worker program is established and simply enforce the damn law. I do not blog on these issues because so many others already do. Though I wish to include other's thoughts and sentiments it is my page for my interests, I get alot of requests and I can not publish them all as much as I may like to . I like the odd story, the heroic one, the Prayer or motivational, Americana as you will. I miss the pet and critter stories from the FBZ, when I post a picture of nature perhaps that is where those comments can take place??? I know many of the Songbird readers read me here now. I do miss my many friend's from there comments and wisdom. I am a political junkie so that is what I blog on as well as what I am currently reading of interest. I am a simple single dude in Ca. I am not a paid pundit or commentator I am just an american citizen with an informed opinion willing to voice it and Goats like to eat trash,LOL.

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