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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's Official!

The man who will, without question, save this nation from financial ruin, complete Bush's war on terror and be a renegade for family values, Mitt Romney, has made it official. He is a candidate for the '08 presidential election and will be, I firmly belive, THE candidate.
With qualifications and a resume second to none, Mr Romney, who has been proceeding under the radar operating a campaign as it should be operating at this level, from the inside out, is about to get outside and I for one can not wait.
I can not wait for the nation to see what this man has to offer. I can not wait for him to be onstage against these other so called opponents. I can not wait for everyday Americans to get to know the goodness of the man first and foremost, followed by what he can do. His moral character is outstanding and his beliefs admirable.
The only question about Mitt Romney is will the South embrace a Mormon? Even asking such a question hurts my fingertips since it is, imo, a ridiculous reason to cast aside a positively stellar candidate and a loss for such a reason would indeed be our country's loss.
I will end for now, with this quote from his speech, which like him, was also outstanding.
""Talk is easy, talk is cheap. It is the doing that's hard. And it is only in doing that hopes and dreams can come to life."


Goat said...

Can't wait for the debates to begin, its about time for the GOP to embrace Mitt for what he is, fresh, dynamic and conservative. Time for the real work to begin staying above they rabblerousing fray at the fringes.

Lisa said...

Doesn't let me go to the sign in page from here.

Lisa said...

Now I can't get new post.........I'm having issues over here and so much, SO much to say. I'll write it out and figure this out.