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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Global Warming

The true debate over global warming is not about the environment it is about another attempt by socialist lefties to control the people. It is an effort to tell people what they can drive, where they live and how they get to work. The Al Gores of the world want power over our lives from what we eat to where and how we live.
The earth has cycles of warming and cooling and anyone with a half-ass education should know that, the sun gets active, we warm up, the sun takes a break, we cool down, the sun has cycles as well. Is the earth warming? It could be, there is some evidence to support that but is man the cause? There is little hard evidence supporting that. It has been shown that a vast majority of "greenhouse gasses" are created naturally, animal farts and tropical rainforest decomposition that send far more harmful plumes into the air than my truck. How much effect do we as little ants on this planet have, about that, little ants, we are meaningless to the planet and its cycles within the solar system.
Just consider a time when forest fires burnt till they died, the entire world used wood for heat and there was no EPA or Kyoto Protocal. I have to wonder how much sulphor dioxide is released from Yellowstone and Lassen National Parks every year or Mt. St Helens and the thousands of other thermal vents around the world? Should we attempt to stop one of the largest volcanoes on earth from venting, Yellowstone NP?
I heard some countries are even trying to ban science that disproves the hypothesis that the warming is man made, how socialist is that? Science is ever evolving and these same people that call it their 'god' reject it when it does not go their narcissictic way, proving they have no foundation. Global warming may be occurring but it it is for its own reasons not ours and there is little input we have to our orb's path through space and time.
Our impact is aesthetic to us alone. I am all for living clean of litter and pollution that we can stop in our neighborhoods and favorite haunts. I don't believe we can correct the solar system so do your part by just being clean as you can.

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