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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Weekend Rambler

Hugh Hewitt has published an absolute must read speech by the Most Rev. Charles Chaput on Christmas and what it means to be a Christian in today's mixed up world. I personally gained much from it in refocusing on the challenge ahead and what the Lord has promised us and the Jews if we allow Him into our lives. Here is an excerpt from this profound speech:

Certain beliefs have always held Americans together as a people. Christianity and its Jewish roots have always provided the grounding for our most important national principles, like inalienable rights and equality under the law. But as a country, we're losing the Founders' perspective on the meaning of our shared public life. We have wealth and power and free time and choices and toys-- but we no longer see clearly who we are. Material things don't give us meaning. We're in danger of becoming the "men without chests" that C.S. Lewis talked about in The Abolition of Man - people sapped of their heart, energy, courage and convictions by the machinery they helped to create. And if we can't find a way to heal that interior emptiness, then as an experiment in the best ideals of human freedom, America will fail.

He speaks much of clarity of perspective, something Dennis Prager also seeks with his national radio audience. There is much to be found for the conservative, I encourage you to read it. America has been so blessed that so many take so much for granted that it is a shame. Lining up days ahead of time for a toy, a video game station, when millions line up for food in unfree countries makes this Christian step back and ask why? What is so important about an unrealistic, virtual world versus the incredible miracle we live in that so draws good minds? Is it an escape from a reality they can never really leave, unable to cope with the miracle of God's reality. Personally I know one thing, my hand is firmly in the Hand of Christ and nothing can remove that grip, no ideology or sect, only I or Christ can let go and He won't and this far into the wilderness of life I will not loosen my grip either. The path is narrow and steep ,frought with hazards though the view is spectacular perhaps that is why I love to climb, a desire to rise above it all. I will climb with Christ as my belay in full confidence of the route ahead.
A merry Christmas Season to all!

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