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Friday, November 02, 2007

Great Political Ad

In this day and age of UTube politics John Edwards, yes the Silky Pony, appears to have some kick in him yet, this is rich, nailing Hillary down by not nailing her down. She is getting hit hard from all sides and responds by whining about being picked on by a bunch of men. The mask has been dropped to reveal a two faced witch. I think ole Silky Pony may be the GOP's best weapon against Hillary. Hattip: Matt Lewis

The glares Hillary was giving John and Barack when they were softly jabbing her would have made Medusa proud, while at the GOP debates the jabs and punches are tough and generally jovial more like friends argueing over a ballgame.
The GOP put out this little fun piece as well.

Mitt Romney takes the opening and grabs the reins with his new ad, his best yet, Mitt needs to spend more time on his impeccable record and life and less trying to be the most republican or conservative, I don't fault him for moving to the right on guns and abortion, I welcome him to our side, flipflopping is what Hillary does. Why berate the man for coming around to a more conservative point of view? Mitt knows how to get things done and has the record to prove it.


Ron Simpson said...

I am Ron Simpson and I approve Mitt's message.....
Hillary needs a new nickname.
We can call her "Jiffy" or "Bisquick" Clinton because she waffles with the best (and worst) of them.

Trader Rick said...

Calling Hillary a witch is so disrespectful to witches everywhere!

shoprat said...

Hitlery is going to self-destruct, either during the primaries or the election but she cannot survive in a national spotlight.

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Waffle is an art and hillary knows this. Good post, 2008 will be very interesting!