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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Torture Myth

The moonbats are all up in arms over the coming confirmation of Judge Muckasey to Attorney General and his refusal to call waterboarding torture. Besides using it on all combat pilots in training it has been used on three other AQ suspects all involved in the 9/11 attacks and was key in breaking Khalis Shaik Mohammed, a mastermind of the attacks. JR Dunn looks into it in depth in his latest post. We can't let the moonbats set the narrative, if waterboarding is torture why are moonbats doing it to each other? Then again they love to pierce and tattoo themselves in all matter of places and support S&M bondage shows in San Francisco. The Code Pinkos demonstrate the technique for us all to see courtesy of Michelle Malkin.


They seem to take their role playing quite seriously, these are also the same kooks that have violent fantasies about conservative commentators and politicians.I would rather be waterboarded than be forced to listen to Hillary give speeches.

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