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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Election Issues

So, what are the issues I deem most important this election season and will be voting on?

Win the War

If we don't win this war nothing else matters very much other than arming youself to the teeth and preparing for a nuclear winter and/or Islamic rule.

Confirm The Judges

Without this any social conservative measures have little chance of becoming law and are reduced to a bigger waste of time than they already are, not meaning to sound callous but if some malcontented hippy wants to burn a flag, so what. Though I do believe marriage and unborn life should protected, it can be done through the States with the right judges to uphold those State's rights to make laws not explicitely given to the Feds by the Constitution. A recent GOP poll has this as the winning issue.

Make the Taxcuts Permanent

I sure don't want to give those spenders in Washington an additional couple thousand bucks a year out of my paycheck to spend on "my behalf". Do you? I support abolishing the IRS and all taxes on income in favor of a consumption tax (national sales tax) and a voluntary privatization of SSI taxes.

Secure the Borders

This I combine with national security in general and it goes back to winning the war. I could support an earned citizenship for those already here and a guest-worker program once the borders are secure. My coblogger Mad Hatter makes a good point in her earlier post today about high quality immigrants as compared to unskilled though we need plenty of trainable unskilled workers as well at the entry level, broom pushers. I support a fence on critical portions of both our land borders and aggressive enforcement against employers of illegals along with the elimination of "safe cities" like LA and others.

Control the Spending

I am a big fan of 'porkbusters' like Sen. Tom Coburn, infrastructure projects like roads and levees are one thing but Teapot Museums and indoor Rainforests on the Great Plains are another. I like the Transparency act and website being set up to show who the biggest pigs at the taxpayer trough are.

That pretty much somes it up for me. Lets see the what Democrats want to do;

Surrender and run from the war,

Block constituional constructionist judges,

Raise your taxes by repealing the cuts,

Support amnesty and open multi-cultural borders,

Raise even more taxes so they can spend even more on their socialist programs while neglecting security and giving foriegn terrorists full access to our criminal court system.
Only an ignorant idiot on the welfare dole or a socialist could support today's Democratic Party and of course there are many other issues that separate the GOP and the DNC but these are the most glaring and defineable as well as most important. I will add that while I am an environmental conservationist and avid naturalist I support responsible exploration of our natural resources including oil and natural gas, including all reserves, ANWR, the Gulf and both coasts and Colorado's oil shale.

It is our choice as our Founding Fathers placed our nations fate in the hands of its people and more importantly in the virtuousness of those people for virtuous people will elect leaders that reflect them. Soon will be the time for those people to standforth and be counted proudly in this great nation so blessed by God in so many ways.

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