Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: The Madhatter is Right

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Madhatter is Right

I am a Romney fan so I will just post my comment to her post. "Like I have said, this is the place for Mitt Romney updates. Mitt is the man, looks and policy rarely come in such a unique and talented a package. Hatter has been telling me this for years and we went back and forth for a while until I saw him on Cspan, the man has it together like no other candidate I have seen. Romney and Rudy, could two Northeastern candidates electrify the Cornbelt and the Southeast which the GOP needs to win and big? Mike Huckabee also has a very good stump speech and is very personable, your backyard BBQ type candidate. The GOP debates will be very, very good in '08 and the DNC's very revealing this cycle and next. My parlay is with the good sense of the American people, not with the moonbat conspiracy theorists and the modern DNC. Poll numbers are reflecting this so now is not the time to whine, it is time to work.
Lets show Howlin' Howie what he is up against in force!

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