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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Evangelicals For Mitt!!

In browsing the web today, I came across a blog called evangelicalsformitt.

As most know, Mitt Romney is quite possibly the most perfect Republican candidate for the presidency that this country has seen in 25 years. He has exactly ONE stumbling block. He is a Mormon.

This has translated into anticipated primary problems among the evangelical voting bloc in the South which is absolutely needed to advance onto the nomination. As such, this blog gave me incredible reinforced hope for Mitt's future. Although I always believed he could eventually win them over, it has been a shaky spot of concern. After reading this blog, which I have linked at the top of the page, I feel much better.

Please go to the site and read up on his positions on varius issues as well as why this group of evangelicals has determined him to be the best candidate for the GOP in 08.

I think you'll agree with them.

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