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Monday, July 31, 2006

Random Questions and Thoughts

Twenty five years ago a decent calculator cost more than than a used year old advanced PC does today.
Gas was more expensive than today thanks to an embargo and Iran still held our nation hostage as it tries to do again.
Israel still faces the same aggressors, islamic terrorists in civilian disguise.
The USSR is collapsed and trying to reinstate its footprint.
Our economy, and south east Asia's are growing at a rapid clip and drawing the rest of the world with us.
Why are we not unleashing our full might to finally crush islamism as we did in WWI in the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and WWII in crushing Nazi Germany and Japan?
Why is our press still fooled by propogandists from the enemy?
Why are too many Americans still fooled by the MSM and the conspiracy theorists of the left?
In Gulf War I Saddam launched SCUDS at Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas launch rockets at Israel today, so removing Saddam from power was wrong?
The islamists kill homosexuals, women, children and atheists and they don't allow abortion, yet they have the support of San Francisco. ( Not many real women or children left in SF) our most progressive liberal city????
Why do liberals claim to be progressive if everything they support is regressive ie. higher taxes and more government control over your life and finances?
Cuba and Hugo Chavez can drill for oil with Chinese backing fifty miles off Florida's coast but we can't. What gives?
If you oppose drilling in ANWR, or off any of our coastlines or the building of new refineries or nuclear power you have zero and I mean zero right to complain about fuel prices.
I will be installing solar panels ASAP on my house, with our sun, I am a fool not to.
I find it hilarious that our Democrat to challenge Arnold is a developer that likes to illegally pave over wetlands, Phil Angelides, the Sierra Club hates him, oops?!?
I could go on and on and on, vote Dem, prepare for the pain.
Join the GOP and help the Goat keep it to its conservative core, lower taxes and smaller government, as George Washington often intoned, as government grows liberty shrinks.
I believe Ronald Reagan used to intone that idea as well, an idea worth fighting for and the Barnyard is dedicated to it.
Thanks for visiting !

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