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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Weekend Rambler

On Politics, I am listening Evan Bayh speak on Cspan and in my opinion he smokes the rest of the Dem speakers I have heard. He and Barack Obama are both good but this guy is very good, very Kennedyesque in the JFK mold, it will be between he and Hillary for the center left vote, Kerry and the rest will run left. I also just heard Karl Rove addressing a conservative crowd and I do believe the GOP is on a track to maintain if not advance our majority and he laid it out quite concisely and he is free from indictment worries to proceed with election year politics and platform building.
I know in two special elections to maintain GOP seats here in liberal Ca. the GOP put two reform conservatives in the house. I am actually excited for this year as we get a little rumble going in prelude to "08", exposing the left will be fun. Fellow conservative's all we have to do is remember the lesson's of the '80, '92, '94, '98, '00, '02, '03(Ca. recall), and '04. We can win as long as we remember those lessons.
Don't miss this fascinating interview with Victoria Nuland on Cspan's Q&A, transcript, video., She is our Ambassador to NATO and sharp as a tack, check it out.

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