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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Must be Strange

I find politics and reading about it strangely relaxing after studying labor and business law for the last couple months especially the dense California version, even after a hard days work. I have followed politics fairly closely since the '92 season as a Ross Perot supporter, probably why I like Mitt Romney today, I like leaders that know how to deal with massive numbers of the economic type. Frankly, I am very pleased with the group of folks running for the GOP nomination, all of them are qualified and capable of doing the toughest job in the world, being POTUS of America, including the undeclared Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich.
America is first and her health and well being as a nation is upheld by the freedom of her children, us, and our ability to achieve that dream that built America based in the Judeo-Christian ideal of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness with a system of laws to adjudicate the unjust. Yeah, I'm a small l libertarian that thinks the government should stay out of our personal lives. I other words, if I choose to ruin my life as a drugged up loser, fine, but I should not expect the taxpayer to fund it. Teach the man to fish and you feed him for life, give him a fish, you fed him for a day. The homeless want state money, earn it by picking up garbage, same with welfare and foodstamp beneficiarys. It would be a good family thing and teach the young'uns to be clean.
Its the old "broken window" philosophy that Rudy employed so well in New York. I can personally attest to this philosophy on my street. I bought my house about three years ago and the yard was a mess. I cleaned and beautified and though it ain't Augusta National I am proud of my efforts, since then nearly every house has cleaned up and many have even upgraded, a pleasant mini-renaissance. It is a small unincorporated township with small cottages on big lots in one of the fastest growing counties in California with a Mayberry atmosphere now, kids, gardens and neighborly conversation and friendship is as abundant as our crops and mini orchards. It is a great place to live despite all of our state government problems and dedication to socialism.

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