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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday Tidbits

I see our Sheepdog (Honus R) is back from some good Christian missionary work, he also went to the Katrina region for a few months in the aftermath. His opinion is valued here as a stalwert, rock-ribbed conservative and like a good sheepdog can get a bit wound up at times. We go back a few years, though the conversation is sporadic, starting in Bill O'Reilly's forum almost four years ago now, a good man and very welcome here. Sheepdogs are always the righthand of a Barnyard keeping us critters in line. While he is not out gathering lambs maybe he will think about this scenario, Mitt Romney/Duncan Hunter, Rudy at AG, Newt gets a high level policy position, Chief of Staff. I believe most of our GOP candidates are worthy and able of to be a POTUS, and to me so far Mitt Romney stands apart from the field thus the huge amounts of negative attacks, generated by the left and some ignorant conservatives. Mitt has built his economic team out of staunch Reaganites, as man of his caliber would easily do. My fellow blogger, Lisa, and I both reject the flipflopper retoric and fully support Mitt Romney for President as the man best able to do the job. His changes on social policy very much mirror my own as we mature and become better educated and more involved in what is at stake, America itself and the bastion of freedom it is meant to be.
Mitt Romney represents everything America can be, shoot even his religion is home grown and recognizes our founding documents in its tenets and is avid about its support of freedom for all. I don't want to hear about repudiated doctrine of the past, it has been excised. I disagree theologically with the LDS Church though I have a tremendous amount of respect for them and their work for Christ. Mitt did his time abroad as a missionary for Christ as his faith requires, more than a couple years worth. How many of his detractors on the right can claim that? I know our sheepdog has that is why his opinion is valued. Should we not accept converts to our cause that have a voice and presence as strong as that of Gov. Romney? Or do we just slap them with a rubber flip-flop and discard them? I think that is the wrong move.


Unknown said...

Goat, I've come to the conclusion that this nation, like many alcoholics, drug addicts, or adulterers, is going to have to hit rock-bottom before it can be sufficiently motivated to wake up, smell the coffee, and come to its collective senses. When you look at where this country has gone spiritually, morally, socially, culturally, fiscally, militarily, politically, philosophically, and Constitutionally the past 40+ years, it doesn't even vaguely resemble what our Founding Fathers originally intended.

Since 9/11 has proven to NOT be a sufficient wake-up call, perhaps there is going to have to be a mushroom cloud over one or more of our major cities to rouse us from our slumber? Perhaps it's going to have to be a new and unstoppable sexually-transmitted disease that gets our attention? Perhaps it's going to have to be the crash of both the housing and stock markets at the same time that makes us say, "Hey!" Perhaps it's going to be "the folks" finally understanding something about demographics, social security, medicare, medicaid, and pension plans, and that money doesn't grow on trees?

I sure don't know exactly what it's going to take, but I do know that NEITHER party is doing anything of practical significance to first retard, then reverse, and finally eradicate all the libertine, liberal, Leftist, corporatist, socialist, isolationist, secularly human, morally relative, regressive, and inhumane nonsense currently permeating the woof-and-warp of societal fabric. That's essentially why I've come to the good-faith and duly-diligent conclusion that it's rather foolhardy and pointless, IMHARO, to continue to give what is holy unto dogs and not cease-and-desist with casting pearls before swine, by continuing to support the Republican Party, at least as long as it fails to comprehend that it won big nationally, while supporting the "far right" RWR, and lost big nationally, when supporting so-called "moderates", like GHWB and BD. It's funny, but when you look at it, both the GOP and Democrats win when their candidates move "right", a la both Reagan and Clinton, not when they move "left", a la Dean, Kerry, Bush, and Dole. Hello?!

That said, everyone is free to make one's own choice, unless, of course, one has already been premeditatively murdered either while completely in utero or while being partially birthed. That particular stain on our nation's soul, I fear, is going to be one that may prove to be particularly indelible, and as long as this gruesome, barbaric, and Hitleresque practice is allowed to remain deemed as "legal", just like it was in Nazi Germany, I don't believe our nation has a snowball's chance in the long run, as we cannot help but ultimately reap what we have sown and continue to sow.

Consequently, in a nutshell, I now find it a much wiser use of my time spending it, as Jesus Christ commanded, "feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming strangers, clothing the naked, and visiting the sick and incarcerated". In addition to this, it's much more important to participate in the Great Commission, plow the Mission Field, support Life and Family, not get caught up in the worldly "flesh" to the exclusion of the other-worldly "spirit", and do our sinful, imperfect, fallible, and "human, all too human" best to be good stewards of all the time, talent, and treasure that God Almighty has granted us.

Know what I mean?

Unknown said...

I will try to make these my last comments re: Mitt Romney, as I highly respect, admire, and love you, in a Christian agape sort of way, Goat, and do not wish to undermine your blog, whatsoever. That said, I also feel I have a "brotherly" obligation to share why I'm not on fire for ex-governor Romney like you are.

To begin with, I'm all for someone acknowledging the error of their ways, seeking forgiveness, and doing their best to "sin no more". After all, from Paul to Abraham to David, etc., God has repeatedly used redeemed sinners to do His good works. It's just that we must be good "watchmen" and "discerners", as there are plenty of "deceivers", "false prophets", and "snakes in the grass" lurking out there, too.

For example, while it's certainly not up to me to rend "Final Judgment" upon Bill Clinton, I also certainly don't believe his "mea culpa" was sincere or genuine or from the heart, but was merely the result of pressure being placed on him to do the politically expedient thing. At least, that's what I honestly and prayerfully "discern", and, consequently, I would be a fool to place my trust in the man in the future.

Most regrettably, that's the way I think and feel about Mitt Romney, at least initially in my "gut" and "heart of hearts", although, after doing my best to take a long and hard look at him as objectively and logically as possible, I have come to the very same conclusion. In other words, both my heart and head are in agreement that he is not a trustworthy, principled, and "convicted" man.

Why do I think and feel this way? Since I've already listed literally tens of reasons previously, although they've disappeared into the ether, due to you switching "posting services" since those original posts, I'll simply share an "executive summary" this, hopefully last, time around, OK?

On the one hand, if Mitt had always been a devout Mormon, he NEVER would have been anti-life and anti-family in the first place. On the other hand, if he had truly "come to Jesus" the past couple of years, while still the governor of Massachusetts, he NEVER would have continued to give both tacit and de facto aid-and-comfort to the GLBT Mafiosi or continued to say that two wrongs make a right, i.e., that taking the life of an innocent, defenseless, voiceless, DNA-differentiable, and supposedly Declaration of Independence- and, ergo, Constitutionally-protected, child was okie-dokie in the cases of rape and incest. Truthfully, those two reasons ALONE are more than enough for me not to support him.

Besides, considering how often it's been stated in his defense by his supporters that his "social positions and policies don't really matter", I don't believe many others really believe he's changed his stripes re: abortion and homosexuality and fundamental morality, either. So, for those supporting him, I don't believe his truly anti-life and anti-family and libertine positions really matter, in the first place, so I'm not exactly sure why Mitt is superior to Rudy in Mitt's supporters' eyes, as they BOTH seem to hold the same basic "mind your own business, this is my life and body, so butt out" ethos?

Of course, I don't believe a DNA-differentiable, with 50% of the chromosomes provided by the father, in utero child qualifies as being the same as "a woman's own life and body" to begin with. I also believe society temporally "renders judgment", although not eternal "Final Judgment", each-and-every day of the week, via the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of local, state, and federal government, so they also have the right to "render judgment" upon the homosexual lifestyle and agenda, too, especially when it's been so conclusively proven to be so destructive, devastating, and deadly to both the individual and public-at-large, no differently than alcoholism and drug addiction.

In other words, if I were ever going to consider voting for a libertine libertarian, which I'm not and never will, I would probably vote for Rudy, as he certainly seems to be more ready for prime time than Mitt. After all, he seems much more prepared to combat the Islamofascist Jihadists, all his spiritually immoral and secularly unethical baggage has already been overexposed, and I can't see him making the same mistake as Mitt did recently in Miami (please see http://www.miamiherald.com/569/v-print/story/45794.html for details).

In conclusion, I think and feel that Mitt Romney is too much like both Bill Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, and I can't possibly lend my support to him, because I believe that Judeo-Christian principles, fundamental beliefs, core convictions, and traditional values STILL DO matter, both temporally and eternally, and it's neither right nor Right to continue to place the unGodly and ignoble selfish above the Godly and noble selfless, which I believe certain attitudes and behaviors, like abortion, homosexuality, socialism, corporatism, pornography, prostitution, prurience, adultery, substance abuse, fornication, illegitimacy, incest, pedophilia, polygamy, bestiality, etc., ad nauseum, ALL do. In my humble and respectful opinion, of course, and realizing this all makes me a "fool" in the eyes of the secularly-human and morally-relative I'm so often surrounded by. Oh, well, c'est la vie, and que sera, sera ... such is the cross we all should bear! GBBWACALA to you and yours, Goat, from "Honus S. Sheepdog" :-)

Goat said...

Now sheepdog, you know I agree with you 100% on the moral decay of America and you are to be commended for serving on the frontlines in the culture wars and helping to cement Goat's own conservative roots. I have been watching and reading about Mitt since Lisa and first met in the FBZ, well before the '04 elections. We aren't electing a Pastor, we are electing someone that can grasp the massive numbers of our economy and unfunded deficit, that can lead us in the GWOT and make the right decisions.
Like Mitt, I don't think gays should be able to marry but they should not be discriminated against because they are gay. If they want to sign legal documents committing their resources to each other fine. Divorce will teach them a serious lesson. Accept the sinner, reject the sin, isn't that our duty as Christians? What they do in private is their business but they do not have the right to export that behavior to our children in schools or churches without parental permission. It is up to us as Christians to show them the error in there ways, it can never be legislated, just like the POTUS cannot change abortion law and should not be able to. I am a Federalist first and foremost and believe Roe should be overturned and the issue should be left to the states or even individual districts as most laws should be. Mitt holds that same view.
I agree we have some serious problems on the social stage though most of those have nothing to do with congress and there is little congress can actually do to address them. That begins at home and in the church, congress is about defense and infrastructure, not social issues, or at least it should be. We cannot save society from the top down, it must be from the bottom up just as Sam Adams organized and threw some tea into Boston harbor to start a revolution that forever changed the world. He is not quoted prominately here for no reason. Mitt's faith requires him to uphold our founding documents and that is something I take very seriously. I have read most if not all articles about Mitt over the last couple years and you gut tells you something far different than mine. I am convinced Mitt is our new Ronny if we give him that chance.
I'll vote for who ever is the GOP nominee and support them fully as we have a really strong field to choose from. I must admit it would be pulled with a snarl for Sen. McCain. I love it, this time we have a real horse race on both sides so ideas will have real meaning. I hope to bring you around to Mitt, my friend, if not, oh well, we still have the same basic agenda.

Goat said...

You must have been working one of those GOP races that lost an incumbent seat, no wonder your frustration. Keep heart my friend America is not lost yet, we shall overcome.

Goat said...

Win The War
Confirm Constitutional Judges
Secure the Border
Stop the Profligate Spending
Lower the taxes
The social war must largely be fought at home and the home must stand up not the house. It is only where the home lives.