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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why Giuliani is Not A Threat

I am mentally exhausted from hearing everyone speak of Giuliani! Giuliani! Giuliani!

These people are political novices on their best day.

If you put Giuliani directly into a general election, yes, he'd probably win. However, ours is a system whereby a primary process nominates a party candidate and the people who vote in primaries tend to be faithful supervoters who are exceptionally well versed in all candidates.

As such, there is no conceivable way Giuliani can garner the Republican nomination. He is on record as being pro-gun control. Pro-gay rights. Pro-choice, including partial birth abortion and now, if you click on the link, you will see video of him advocating public tax payer funding for abortion. I haven't even gotten to his multiple marriages and strained family relations.

Will he raise lots of money?


Will he find forgiveness from the primary voters?


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