Weekend Roundup


All pictures are courtesy of Michelle and Hotair and another favorite GOP babe, Mary Katherine Ham has video of some of our finest and worst.
Well it appears the "Gathering of Eagles" outnumbered the moonbat socialists for peace by about three to one from what I have gathered from latest rally in DC. Michelle Malkin was there and has a great photo gallery and all the links. ( MM's photos here)This makes cold blood run warm with pride, "Rolling Thunder" as the Harley riders called their journey across America starting in Sacramento, dang to have been there with them. The lump in my throat has been large as I have searched the many links as they have shown the pure disgrace these moonbats are to America in so many ways as sycophant appeasers to our enemies. Good grief just look at the loony sponsors of the moonbats, Socialist Workers Movement, Che Guevera supporters, the Communist party, give me a break the next time I call a moonbat a socialist. A sea of American flags and real patriots met the Momma Moonbat Cindy Sheehan with the derision she well deserves from those best suited to deliver, our VFW and current troops and families. Ah, shoot, they are soldiers and can bullshit better than most, they know profane violence and profane language at a skill level a hippy could never understand. It also appears the moonbats slunk off with their tail between their legs to go drink some green beer on St. Patty's day where they would look less foolish while the VFW networked, found old friends and celebrated a much belated victory, over cold beer and long memories.
That Moving America Forward, and the multiple grassroots at their disposal finally outshowed George Soros and his socialist minions and his billions gives the Goat great hope for America.
A side note on Che Guevera: a local store keep had some t-shirts for sale with Che's image. Sami is from India and was unfamiliar with Che's history so I told him of Che's connection to Castro and the communists in Russia, he took the shirts off his rack and not one has been seen since. Sam is a good man, a good storekeep, and a positive part of our community, immigrants like him we need. Sam is smart, his wife runs a business in India and he has one here. Me as a free market/trader, I love it, the free flow of currency is what is needed to alleviate poverty, not socialism.
That Moving America Forward, and the multiple grassroots at their disposal finally outshowed George Soros and his socialist minions and his billions gives the Goat great hope for America.
A side note on Che Guevera: a local store keep had some t-shirts for sale with Che's image. Sami is from India and was unfamiliar with Che's history so I told him of Che's connection to Castro and the communists in Russia, he took the shirts off his rack and not one has been seen since. Sam is a good man, a good storekeep, and a positive part of our community, immigrants like him we need. Sam is smart, his wife runs a business in India and he has one here. Me as a free market/trader, I love it, the free flow of currency is what is needed to alleviate poverty, not socialism.
Michelle will build her own media empire, just watch, the snowball is just forming. This gorgeous, dynamic, gifted lady is out to take us all by storm, no complaints here. MKH is leading the new charge of conservative very attractive young ladies to the GOP. The left gives us Rosie and snockered kookerdom, I feel sorry for her girlfriend big time.
Very interesting stuff, thanks for sharing.
Since I've just returned from what turned out to be a month-long mission trip to Central America, I thought I'd chime in with my two quetzales worth re: Newt Gingrich, "Moving America Forward", and "Five Reasons to Be Hopeful About the Future". To wit, as long as politicians continue to remain focused predominantly on the "secular", to the de facto exclusion of the "spiritual", scientific knowledge, accountability metrics, private sector productivity and quality, entrepreneurial courage, and citizen out-competing bureaucracy, for example, aren't going to mean diddley-squat in the long-run. Like I previously responded to an article by Steven Warshawsky entitled "Atheists, Conservatives, and Christianity" (available at http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/03/atheists_conservatives_and_chr.html):
The GOP is going to be wandering in the wilderness of the political minority for years to come, and any Democrat, whether Clinton, Obama, or just about anyone else, will be a shoo-in for POTUS in ’08.
The past couple of years or so have compellingly, convincingly, and conclusively proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, to “Conservative Christians” at least, that the GOP is predominantly de facto run by local, state, and national Kool-Aid-drinking party apparatchiki composed primarily of:
a) Libertine libertarians, represented by both so-called “Log Cabin” GLBT Mafiosi and “Rockefeller Republican” country-club, tacit Femi-Nazi-supporting, and East & West Coast/within-the-DC-beltway cocktail party-circuit elitists
b) “Big Biz” NAU/NASCO/Amero/Mexamericanada anti-rule of law, anti-domestic security, and anti-truly free-and-fair trade “New World Ordering” and racist “Hispandering” corporatists
c) “Big Gov” so-called “compassionate-and-progressive-in-theory”, but, in reality, “regressive-and-inhumane-in-practice” NCLB and MPDP wealth redistributors, earmark-lading and budget-busting pork barrellers, and otherwise anti-limited government socialists, and
d) Other coup d’etat, agenda-hijacking, platform- and plank-destroying “Gang of 7”-type Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians In Name Only, aka R/C/CINOs, like Specter, Collins, Snowe, Chaffee, Warner, Graham, DeWine, Voinovich, Schwarzenegger, Giuliani, Romney, McCain, Whitman, Danforth, Sullivan, Sager, MacDonald, Orlet, et cetera, ad nauseum.
These folks, all willing to place politics, profits, power, prestige, and/or personality above principle; Big Gov socialism and Big Biz corporatism above what’s right, Right, fair, free, and just; special interests above the public’s; and the ignoble selfish above the noble selfless, have now, perhaps irreparably, alienated the very people that helped elect Ronaldo Magnus in 1980 and 1984; helped Gingrich et al, with “The Contract With America”, take back Congress after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness of the political minority, thanks in large part to the previously-disdained libertine libertarian “Rockefeller Republicans”, and helped the now-perceived-to-be a duplicitous, disingenuous, and prevaricating poseur GWB with his reelection in 2004.
Unless a TRUE conservative, defined as:
1) One that is BOTH fiscally-, economically-, and small government- AND morally-, culturally-, and socially-conservative
2) One that believes in BOTH a robust defense policy AND not fighting the Islamofascist Jihadists with one politically-correct hand tied behind their back
3) One that believes in the original intent of our Founding Fathers to build this nation upon a rock-solid foundation of Judeo-Christian principles, traditional morality, and family values
4) One that believes in BOTH securing our borders AND upholding the rule-of-law re: illegal aliens, scofflaw corporations, and sanctuary cities, and
5) One that believes in upholding fundamental beliefs and core convictions over political expediency, i.e., pandering for votes
runs for President in 2008, there are going to be literally millions on the “Religious Right” who will go to the polls, in order to uphold their civic duty and honor those that fought for the right to vote, but will refuse to hold their noses and vote for a R/C/CINO, like Giuliani, McCain, or Romney, this time around (and probably the next time and the next, etc., and probably what happened, to at least a limited extent, in November 2006).
Enough is enough, already, and like RWR, who was not perfect by any means - see, e.g., his myopic and misguided actions re: supporting no-fault divorce and openly homosexual teachers, while California governor, and amnesty for illegal aliens and scofflaw corporations, while POTUS - said, “A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs, which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell numbers, and if there are those that cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way” and, more to the point of [Mr. Warshawsky's] article, “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
To summarize, despite previously being considered an “eternal” optimist by friends, family, and business associates alike, I’ve grown rather cold, cynical, pessimistic, and fed up as concerns the formerly “Grand” Old Party, due, in the main, to all the milquetoast appeasement, moral cowardice, and lack of intestinal fortitude I’ve seen coming from both the Administration and the Congressional so-called “leadership” the past couple of years.
Just for the record, I worked tirelessly for BC04 manning the GOTV phone banks, going door-to-door, sending e-mails, faxes, and LTTE, calling talk radio and cable TV, and putting literally thousands of “Who Shares Your Values?” flyers on car windshields in church parking lots. I also served as a Precinct Captain, both a Poll and Recount Observer, and was active in YRs. In other words, I spent a great deal of time and energy in the political process, "put my money where my mouth was", and not only "talked the talk", but also "walked the walk". I mention this not to "brag", but simply to preempt any "you've never done anything to help facilitate change, so you've forfeited your right to comment on things political" nonsense.
What I’ve witnessed since being so very active in "things political", however, is the absolute direct and/or indirect, explicit and/or implicit betrayal of many of the most sacred and vital planks in the 92-page official Republican Party platform and a de facto coup d’etat by the R/C/CINOs in Congress and the Administration. The FINAL straw for me was the party apparatchiki still obviously not “getting it” after the November 2006 election results.
So, instead of doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results, which, according to Einstein, is the very definition of “insanity”, I, along with millions of others, have decided to “cut bait” and look elsewhere. Consequently, I’ll continue to vote for only truly conservative candidates, as defined previously, while refusing to any longer “hold my nose” and vote “R”, simply because “they’re not as bad as the D’s”.
Finally, as a related aside, as far as Fred Thompson goes, I’ve just become aware of his possible candidacy and have TONS of research to do on him before even CONSIDERING whether or not to support him. If I determine he TRULY fulfills my definition of “true conservative”, I won’t hesitate for one moment to invest my limited time, talent, and treasure on his behalf. Of course, if former Senator Thompson does prove to be a "true conservative", I rather doubt the libertine libertarian and Kool-Aid-drinking Republican Party apparatchiki will allow his candidacy to go forward. Anyhoo, that's what this self-decribed "socially-conservative libertarian" believes, as well as many of my self-selecting, I freely admit, friends, business associates, and professional colleagues.
Dang, Sheepdog, you are a post ahead of me, I have not read Newt's latest yet. I will open the comments if you are ready for the moonbat onslaught. I like to harrass them a bit and then cut them off like they do us.
Hey Sheepdog check out this guy:
Goat, I USED to waste my time and energy casting pearls before folks with this type of swinish outlook, but since it's repeatedly proven to be such an exercise in futility - not much different, by the way, than blindly supporting the Republican Party, since "they're not as bad as the libertine, liberal, Leftists, aka the LLL, within the Democrat Party" - I no longer am interested, whatsoever, in engaging the practitioners of moonbattiness at DU, MO, DK, or WLITC, et cetera, ad nauseum.
I'm ESPECIALLY not interested after recently helping to assist over 10,000 scavengers and beggars, aka "the Treasures", including a heartbreaking 6,500 children, living within and without a huge city garbage dump and, after distributing thousands of sandwiches and juice bags to them everyday and asking what they'd like us to pray for on their behalf, being told, nine times out of ten, by humble and faithful folks living in homes with oft-times cardboard walls, dirt floors, and no roofs, "Please thank the Lord for our many blessings". While they may be so much poorer MATERIALLY, they are so much richer SPIRITUALLY, than so many here in the United States. Consequently, I no longer neither have patience with nor will allow myself to be yoked with ANYONE that continues to place politics, profits, power, prestige, and/or personality above principle, special interests above the public's, or the ignoble selfish above the noble selfless.
That's why, while I L-O-V-E Newt's recent written and photographic defense of our Judeo-Christian heritage, as illustrated by the architecture within DC, his occasional verbal defense of our Founding Fathers' original intent to build this nation upon Judeo-Christian principles, traditional morality, and family values, what I perceive and believe to be his genuine and sincere, i.e., anti-Clintonian, admission of sin and seeking of redemption re: his own serial infidelity and scumbaggish treatment of his sick wife, and him wishing to find solutions for many of today's challenges by utilizing state-of-the-art science & technology and anti-bureaucratic entrepreneurial courage, I don't believe he's willing and able to do enough - practically-speaking, he doesn't have the "Right" stuff - on the social, cultural, and moral front, which, like is evidenced daily on the pages of publications like "The Federalist Patriot", "GOP Wing", "American Thinker", "Townhall", and "World Net Daily", for example, is of FUNDAMENTAL importance re: the long-term viability of our nation.
As just one "sick", pardon the pun, illustration of this lacking the "Right" stuff, yoking himself with Clinton, by playing footsie with her on healthcare and computers, demonstrates to me that he doesn't yet possess sufficient judgment, is still, symbolically-speaking at least, rather tone-deaf, and is, most regrettably, seemingly willing to make a deal with the devil, as long as "she" helps him achieve certain goals and objectives - long-term consequences be ... well, you know what.
Bottom-line: While I respect and admire MOST of what "ol' Newtie" has to say, I just don't see him being an effective executive and up-front change-agent, although he'd certainly be wonderful to have "behind the scenes", what with his breadth-and-depth of knowledge, creativity, and imagination. Besides, he still has such a "negative" rating with far-too-much of the public, due to him being so effectively smeared by the Billary slime machine and subsequently marginalized, and I don't believe he can overcome that with enough of the people to ever get elected to the highest office in the land. Finally, it seems to me that he "quit" in the middle of things, i.e., when the going got tough, so I'm not sure he really has the intestinal fortitude, moral courage, persistence, patience, determination, dedication, and emdurance to see things through to the end. Sad, but probably true, although I certainly don't know for sure.
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