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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Purple Fingers

Another ink stained finger in the eye of the defeatocrats, as Iraq votes again. The far left is groaning under the weight of victory and search for every little negative to prop up their defeat at any cost agenda. I will only offer millions of freely inkstained fingers as a counter to Saddam's human shreddders and butchers. We have done a great thing and the American people should be exuberantly proud of our new friends in Iraq. Yea the Islamo fascists and Saddamites hate us but that is a very small minority.


NannyKaren said...

Amen! Goat they ARE In the minority. They sure do love to make noise thouh...have you noticed?

Great post!

Goat said...

Welcome back Karen!

NannyKaren said...

Thanks Goat!