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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Weekend Rambler

Cspan is showing the rally to save Darfur from genocide and I see many of the same people that were at the anti-war rally in New York. Let me get this straight, they were against removing the genocidal tyrant Saddam Hussein, they don't want us to stop an apocolyptic Iran yet they want us to go into another muslim nation with substantial oil reserves and remove that regime from power. It is obvious the moonbats really don't get it when they try to blame President Bush and this administration, if they support saving Darfur then they should support our mission in Iraq and Afganistan as well as they are against the same enemy as the ones doing the killing in Sudan, radical islamists. They believe we should abandon the innocent Iraqis to the radicals and stop the radicals from killing the innocent in Darfur.
They mentioned the slaughters of Cambodians and blamed the US for not stopping it, that genocide came after the peaceniks forced us to abandon Vietnam, hmmmm. They mentioned the Holocaust and that we did nothing to stop it, I believe it was US troops that liberated the nazi-deathcamps. We now have an Iran that is threatening to finish the job and wipe Israel off the map and is hellbent on acquiring nuclear weapons and giving them to the Sudanese government yet the left opposes us stopping Iran with military force. The utter hypocrisy of this is astounding. They clapped like crazy for the Dem leaders but when they mentioned full nonpartisan support from the President you could cut the silence with a knife. The moonbats only want us to be the worlds police when it is their pet project it seems and the victims are largely black. They seem to forget the Arab muslims are the ones that have raided African villages for centuries to support their slave trade still active in several arab countries in Northern Africa. I am all for stopping genocide and the only ones commited to genocide are radical islamists, convert or die jihadists, I hope this means the moonbats are going to back off and let us destroy them first. It is the same enemy we face in Iraq and Afganistan, will they let us finish the job there? Singing songs, giving speeches, and holding creative signs at rallies won't stop these islamic killers only bullets and bombs will, they need to understand that before Iran gets the Bomb and the situation gets worse under the umbrella of nuclear deterrent. The only thing worse than miltary force against Iran is for them to go nuclear.
On the subject of Romney care he is explaing it on Cspan today, to the Chamber of Commerce.
The blogroll has been updated and better organized. I can't ezplain why my formatter grouped some together but oh well, some of the groupings are interesting, as far as content, of the involved sites.
Don't miss Lores' show tonight at 10:00 pac on KRLA870, she runs the Just a Woman blog , a good friend . The girl needs more airtime, she's good, yeah, I am biased, she's a friend and gets free promotion, tune in.

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