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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Weekend Roundup

Here on this Easter weekend as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Christ, let us remember our troops that are facing down a foe like none ever before. An insidious evil that has no boundaries and seeks only power, subjugation by force, submission or death, this is islam, radical islam at its finest. Even here in the US groups like CAIR are trying to stifle speech by pushing for laws against criticizing them alla sha'ria law. They say we must respect their laws, that those of nations do not matter, like free speech. They say they want to kill us and destroy the West, from Ahchmaddinajad and the mad mullahs of Iran, to Zarquawi, Zarawahiri, Bin Laden and scores of other jihadists around the globe, hiding in their holes and mudhuts coming out to kill indiscriminently. The leaders don't do the suicide bombings, they talk , they can't face us with guns, we wipe them out.
Iran and the Bomb, the analysis I have read says they are a couple months to a couple years, depending on how fast they can bring centrifuges online. We need to take them out, I believe their retoric, they are good at following through on their threats. Oh, we have the ability, to do this easily, the discussion around the milblogs has been very heartening, they agree the mad mullahs of the islamic republic can't have nukes. The scenario discussions demonstrate that our men know what they are doing and want to defend america and our friends, much like the classic creed of many of the martial arts, if you make us fight we will win and train to assure that fact. They plan to destroy our little brother, Israel, and have no qualms about stating that fact . Will Israel have to pull the trigger first?
I hope not, some three thousand years into Judaeisms existence along comes a psychotic arab desert pirate claiming to be a prophet, around 600 AD, and is rebuffed many times by the Jewish and Christian leaders. So he did what desert pirates did in those days, you gathered some believers , and started a terror campaign to gain power, sound familiar. The history of the region is deep and ancient, Islam is a relatively new movement in the pages of history and a very violent history it has been. The basis of western civilization is much older, based in judaic, common and natural law. Words like freedom and liberty are difficult for the people to understand as they had never known it. Most of the region is is rural villages that just want to provide for their families and not be killed by some drugged up fanatic gang running around screaming allahu akbar and blowing up grocery shoppers .
If Iran gets the Bomb or even large amounts enough to make a potent "dirty" bomb, we have waited to long, they will use it, though clandestinely, I hope we have the guts as a nation, we have the ability to stand up once again for freedom. I don't know, is this the "Last Crusade" ? When you are facing apocalyptic nut jobs, you never know?!?
I pray its not, I'll leave once again with my favorite quote from our founding father by Patrick Henry.

"It is in vain, sir, to extentuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace,
Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that
sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our
brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that
gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to
be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know
not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me

Sources are varied, I will go through and fill in the hyperlinks, I can offer a few books to read if you ask.
Lores has invited me to call in to her show while Dennis Prager is on tonight discussing islamism and Flight 93, I am stoked, can you tell, KRLA870 !?
Lores had a great show that synched with my column today and I got to ask Dennis about Iran and Israel and he agreed Iran should be shown the meaning of shock and awe. Israel will defend itself and they have a friend in us scots-irishmen, not for religious purposes, because we have fought for centuries to be free as well.

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