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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

In this digital age of Ipods and Blackberries, the art of communication at the personal level has lost so much. I will be honest, I do not understand this need to have the equivalent of 20,000 songs, podcasts or whatever attached to my temples., "Borg" like, plugged into the machine. When we lose touch with our fellow man on a personal level we lose part of our contact with God, the Father. Christmas and Thanksgiving in America have that blessed tradition of bringing families together, let us truelly remember the roots and sacrafice from which that Blessing springs.
We get caught up in the commercial maelstrom that has come to represent a figment of Christmas that little represents the Glory of His Gift to us, the Christ Child, that truelly is the Light in the darkest of days. Often many of us forget the many blessings bestowed upon our nation and take for granted the footing that the Lord gave us to be free,
Freedom, our greatest gift, what is it? Jewish Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky will tell one story, Jim and Huck Finn through Samuel Clemens another and the lessons of both are deep. Let us remember those that gave us, provide us and insure that not only us but millions more are able to begin a life because of their efforts, our Patriot Armed Forces.
America has much to be thankful for, let us pray She remembers why.

Rejoice in the Love of Christ as we celebrate His Birth and Gift of Salvation, rejoice in the birth of Life and the Promise He brings to all. Only in freedom does His Word reign and only in His Word can freedom be found, after all He gave us the freewill to recognize His message:

Peace on Earth and goodwill to all!

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