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Sunday, December 31, 2006

A New Year

Happy New Year, woo, woo, whistle, whistle, the MSM has made me sick , the finger down the throat was John Lennon's "Imagine", the most overrated fool in history, as the lead up in New York. The moonbats think it means something, it is just another day in the socialist tax cycle. In fact the words left with the Barnyard are " the groom's bride is a whore" . That is such a nice message to send for a new year in which are going to see a major assault from the GLBT on marriage and the same from the Islamists on civilisation as we know it. The Barnyard also forsees a continued assault on the 1st and 2nd Ammendments by the socialist left as well as a full scale assault on our pocketbooks to finance their socialist beauracracy.
The Goat is still optimistic but his heels are dug in and the horns are polished and hardened with The Constitution and our Founding Fathers defining who and what we represent.
Our many and bountiful blessings coming from the Lord's bosom, it is time to turn to Him.
God Bless all that seek His Grace and those that are lost so they may one day discover that Grace.

Happy New Year!

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