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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Tuesday Trot

GOP bloggers has a new straw poll out for '08 contenders and Newt Gingrich has a narrow lead over Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, John McCain is not even in the race. Newt will control the debate and set its parameters as he has more good ideas before breakfast each day than most pols do their entire lives. Rudy and Mitt are the only ones that could hang in a debate, John would be embarressingly outclassed . McCain has one good thing going for him, he is a reliable "Hawk" and won't go for appeasement or retreat in the face of the enemy.
The Barnyard finds the ISG report to be a farce that anybody that has closely followed the war would find abysmal and truely lacking in wisdom. It says nothing new except opening negotiations with the enemies in Tehran and Damascus. Does Neville Chamberlain talking to Hitler and appeassing him sound familiar.
Yes, we should exit Iraq, straight through Syria and Iran and not the way the defeatists want but with all barrels of American and Israeli supremacy and power blazing with full force if we are to win this war outright. America needs to show that "Rocky Balboa" attitude and ability to get up off the mat and fight to win, our troops are more than capable, is America? It is now time to wipe the Muslim scum from the lens of freedom so that all can see clearly and freely choose to be free.
Islam followers are free to post just expect strong rebuttals from the Barnyard.

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