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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Roll Mitt Roll

It depends on the polling source and the Barnyard scores Rudy, Mitt and John at about even with Sen. McCain falling fast to the benefit if Rudy and Mitt. America's Mayor, Mr. Giulliani and Mitt Romney would make a very formidable team based in Reaganesque policies, leaving their personal faults in the dust. Sen. McCain has not a chance against against them because though he is a true hero and patriot, he is a lousy GOP senator. Consensus builder, right, John McCain has done more to destroy the conservative consensus than anyone, McCain-Feingold, the 'Gang of 14', McCain-Kennedy on immigration, need I go on? Now you know a few of the reasons the Barnyard supports Mitt Romney. Rudy is highly admired here and as the candidate would be fully supported, Mr. McCain would be as well, though Mitt Romney is the real man needed to lead America.
If you are affilliated with the Mitt Romney campaign or the GOP resend your links as I lost my blogroll by mistake, attempts to recover it are being made, and they will be reposted.


Mark said...

I like Duncan Hunter.

Goat said...

Duncan Hunter is a very good man and an excellent candidate if he can get the traction he needs. A true rock-ribbed conservative in all aspects and would make a awesome VEEP, something the top tier candidates should consider. Mitt and Rudy have a much broader appeal and name recognition. At least some real thoroughbreds are stepping into the race for the GOP against that herd of show ponies arrayed against them on the left.

Lisa said...

Ya know I love ya, Goat but truly, Giuliani has no chance, whatsoever to survive the primary cycle. He is pro-choice and is on record as having even supported partial birth abortion. He is a New Yorker. He has marched in gay pride parades. He is pro-gun control. He has more than one wife. On and on it goes.
Yes, he led the nation on 9/11, but ask yourself this...and it is going to sound like a harsh question, but on 9/11 and on the days, months and in fact years following that catastrophic event, just how many were affected???? Looking at the reaction of most libs, one would think this was solely an isolated geographic attack rather than an attack on this entire nation, its people and our way of life. In other words, I firmly believe people touting Giuliani give his leadership on 9/11 FAR too much credit when lookin at him from a candidate recruitment perspective. I would go so far as to say a good percentage outside of the Northeast corridor wouldn't even be able to name his former occupation. I think the name would be familiar but I don't think they'd be able to immediately say, "Former Mayor of New York City, was a leader for the nation on 9/11." I just don't.
Anyway, there are only so many obstacles one can overcome and God, gays and guns are major issues with the conservative base and he simply has one too many skeletons creaking around his closet as far as I'm concerned.

Lisa said...

I don't know how to edit but that should have said, "non-East Coast liberals" were affected. I want to be very specific.

Goat said...

I don't know about that Madame X, Rudy is fairly well known for cleaning up New York among the base. He and Newt have similar personal ghosts to overcome with that same base as do the other candidates other than Duncan Hunter so far. You gotta admit Romney/Hunter, Protecting America, sounds pretty good, Duncan would also shore up a Giulliani campaign for the base there as well. I do not see McCain going the distance.
Mitt has entered the race with the most high tech, high powered engine ever built and hit the track with all four wheels spinning in unison with little rubber wasted.

Goat said...

Plus Mitt and Rudy possess a charisma that is unique to themselves and as you know can be a major factor. Rudy would be a great AG in a Romney administration with Newt as Chief of Staff and Duncan at Veep. A few folks in the RSC should also get a strong nod in cabinet positions.
It is not to worry, Reagan conservatism is hardly lost, we just let the coals burn a little low. We, the GOP, have managed to offer some true american raised hardwood to the animating fire for our Republic, the left, sedition , and 'widow maker' cottonwood which burns neither hot nor true.