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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Seminar Posters

The Barnyard has received some commentary from a gentleman that claims officer ranking, retired as usual, with the US Navy ,spouting Dem talking points while claiming to be a Republican. Let me make this very clear, God, Country, Family and in that order. The Barnyard will not support trying to bribe our enemies in anyway, through "diplomacy", the ultimate diplomacy is in power, the power to back up your word. If the US were to pull out of Iraq, our "paper tiger" image is broadcast 24/7 by those that want to kill us simply for being non-muslim. Read and reread the message a founder has sent us as posted on my side bar from Sam Adams. Diplomacy has gotten us the wreck we have, the ultimate diplomacy is force in the Arab world. I expect full credentials with his next comment. So Mr. Republican wants to square off with the Goat, go for it. His service to this awesome country will not cow the Goat in rejecting his pleas to appease. American supremacy is cool in the Barnyard.
The Goat will throw a bone to an isolationist, Pat Buchanan, on his latest article about a conservative blogger favorite, Sen. Joe Biden.Dem. Joe loves to hear himself talk and on occassion his frankness can be interesting as Pat takes an interesting view on Sen. Biden:

Impolitic? Sure. But does Joe not have a point? Is America going to put into the Oval Office in wartime a guy who is today two years out of the Illinois state legislature?

Advancing on into the minefield, Joe asked rhetorically, "Are they going to turn to Hillary?" -- then answered his own question.

"Everyone in the world knows her. ... Her husband has used every single legitimate tool in her behalf to lock people in, shut people down. Legitimate. And she can't break out of 30 percent for a choice for Democrats. Where do you want to be? Do you want to be in a place where 100 percent of the Democrats know you? They've looked at you for the last three years. And four out of 10 is the max you can get?"

Hmmmm.... ole Slow Joe may have more giddy-up than we thought, while we rarely agree with Mr. Buchanan, he makes some good points here. Joe Biden is the DNC fox and the man to watch, after 36 years he knows the Senate well. He will be the DNC "power broker", mark my words.

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