Weekend Rambler
In an interesting sidenote, the last known"wild Indian", Ishi, was discovered not that far from these buttes and was a Maidu. The Goat is fascinated by our Native American history and culture and this gray , misty, wind swept day left room for the imagination to roam as the plaque can indicate. The buttes are a major part of California history and should be preserved as such, while private guided hikes are available an effort is underway to open a portion to the public. It is just miles from a major wildlife preserve so the birding is awesome, whether it is with a 12 gauge shotgun or a 35 mil. camera..
Mitt Romney and Rudy Giulliani continue to gather steam over John McCain and the Goat will go on record as saying that Duncan Hunter would be a wise choice at VP with Newt getting a high level policy slot and Rudy as Attorney General and John as DefSec, Dr. Rice stays at State and Mitt of course as President.
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