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Monday, February 19, 2007

The Unoriginality of the Left

As I sit and watch the Mitt Romney campaign unfold, the efforts on the left to discredit the man have officially amused me.

When I say amuse, it is more along the lines of frightened and/or boredom. Politics is a rough game and at the presidential level, really, only the very best should be involved. Strategies need to be implemented to chip away at the opposition's cores and done so in a very specific manner tailored to each candidate. Enter my amusement at the "been there, done that, may as well recycle the Republican method with John Kerry cause we can't think of anything ourselves" style.

While many things have hit me as of late, two stand out in my mind.

First is the very sad, ongoing, yet absolutely ineffective school yard gutter game of insinuating and injecting perceived prejudice into a candidate that simply isn't there. If you do an internet search for Romney's acceptance speech, odds are you will wind up in a random blog closely resembling a sandbox where the authors and/or contributors are assailing Romney for his "insensitivity" in choosing the museum of an anti-Semite for his announcement speech. EGADS! Could it be, "Moonbats," that the man, as a capitalist to the core, was thinking more along the lines of, Michigan, successful American businessman etc??? Honestly, the ankle biters are tedious.

Secondly, is the pathetic attempts by the other team to discredit Mr Romney as a, you may not have heard it here first since, again, these Democrats like to steal others' strategies because their own do not seem to work, but yes, the dreaded "FLIP FLOPPER." While his positions on a couple of core issues did change, and whose hasn't over a 50+ year life time, I can not get the scnt of crayons and glue out of my nose to save my life! Changing one's personal position on abortion as public policy in a country where its original intent has been skewered and morphed into a form of easy birth control is slightly different than, "I voted for the war before I voted against it."

Kids, do we really, honestly want to send a Democrat whose people can come up with nothing better than this stuff, to 1600 PA Ave?

Mr Romney is perhaps the most competent, qualified candidate this country has seen in decades. Don't for a second believe the school yard tactics of the Left in regards to Mitt. As Cal Thomas said, "They only make an issue if they think you're a threat."

1 comment:

Goat said...

Are you still thinking about or trying to join his campaign?