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Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Why am I so confident, as a conservative, about the midterms and even in '08 ? For one, the economy is on strong footing. For two, the Dems and their loony base are clueless on national defense, economics, Christianity and conservatism. So in answer the socialist left tries to gild their socialism in the Bible, while damning creches, it failed.
Here's a couple of good reads, Dr. Sowell, hits a homerun and gets Townhall's "spotlight column."
"This nation is facing two crises -- one phony and one real. Both in the media and in politics, the phony crisis is getting virtually all the attention.
Like the French official in "Casablanca," politicians and much of the media are shocked, shocked, to discover that the government has been listening in on calls involving international terrorist networks. Congressional leaders of both parties have in fact known this for years without saying a word.
Only after the New York Times published the news and made a big noise about it have politicians begun to declare their shock.
That is not the only thing that makes this big uproar phony. The same people who are going ballistic over what they spin as "domestic spying" never went ballistic over one of the most gross examples of genuine domestic spying during the Clinton years.
Hundreds of raw FBI files on Republicans were sent to the Clinton White House, in violation of laws and for no higher purpose than having enough dirt on enough people to intimidate political opponents. But domestic spying against Republicans did not shock nearly as many people as intercepting phone calls from terrorists."
After the the DNC has been routed in the last few election cycles, they have started to try and play the "god" card. They think we are stupid. This a good read from Patrick Hynes.
"To be fair, Krattenmaker cites equally lame examples to show Democrats take the Lord’s name in vain, too. But nowhere in his piece does Krattenmaker make reference to the Left’s recent extraordinary claims to divine endorsement. Since their 2004 drubbing at the hands of roughly 30 million conservative Christians, Democrats have invoked the Lord’s name in such ways and with such frequency; it would make the Rev. Pat Robertson blush. "
Fellow conservatives, we have a sturdy plank to stand on, we just have to make sure america knows that. The job has to be done, hop in and help out, or get outta the way. The Dems would just as soon submit to Shar'ia, if they thought it would hurt the GOP politically. They forget, under Shar'ia law, the left's base is first in line for extermination, particularly the GLBT movement. They think Pat Robertson is radical.... right?
In a way the Judeo/Christian ethic stands between the far left and the far right, while they rub elbows at the summit and the swamp.
I think most of us prefer highground???

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