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Monday, February 06, 2006

Freedom Of Speech And Press

With all the uproar in the muslim world and ensuing discussions of freedom of speech and press I feel compelled to make some observations. We have the right to free speech, we do not have the right to be heard. The press has the right to print what it wants, it does not have the right to be read. The point being is if muslims don't want to see pictures of mohamed, they don't have to look at them just as Christians are free to not look at or read defamatory slanders on our faith. When the "artworks" Piss Christ and the painting of Mother Mary covered in dung came out we didn't go to view them and we didn't issues fatwas for the artists' death, burn down their embassies or threaten jihad. We simply wrote letters to the editors and galleries, and our congressman asking that our tax dollars not fund them through the Endowment for the Arts. The artists' had the right to make those pieces and we had the right to not view them or pay for them.
I will now apply this to the blogosphere, I have the right to publish as I see fit on my blog, if you don't like what I post, you have the right to not visit it or read it. You may choose to comment, I as editor grant that ability, it is not a right. I also have the ability, as editor, to delete what I don't want to see, that is my right. Nonone is forced to read my words, it is a choice you made, your right, just as it is mine to publish them. I would compare it to property laws such as trespassing. You can hurl all the invective you want from outside the fence, the minute you step inside you can be arrested or shot as a threat to my safety. When you are outside the fence, I can choose to go inside and not listen to your free speech. Once you enter my property, you lose that right and mine as the owner prevail and removal becomes my right. In simple terms if some jackass wants to post inane comments insulting me or my readers, they will be deleted and as with haloscan, blocked all together. They can be as infatuated with myself or other blogger buddies as they want on their sites, they just won't be allowed here. I now dub them the South Park Intellectuals or SPI .

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