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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Rambling On

As days go by and I seek to stay semi current on world events the one thing that strikes me is the massive ignorance bordering on insanity. We here in the US , sheltered in our suburban cul-de-sacs, gated communities and urban enclaves blissfully unaware or guiltily fanciful, have not any real knowledge of what is happening in the world around us other than a passing glance at Iraq or Palestine. We as a culture have become so consumed at who will be the next American Idol or who is shacking up with whom in Hollywood that we actually consider that to be news worth noting outside the gossip pages. For goodness sakes folks, actors and actresses get paid to be posers, fakes and we are supposed to take them seriously on international policy, give me a break.
Thanks to the blogosphere, internet forums and talk radio millions of frustrated americans are now able to vent their opinions, solutions, commentary, propoganda or venal inane venom in all directions and be heard or read for what they are. It is an open propoganda war with the side with the best ideas or most explosive vitriol getting the attention, to often it is the vitriol.
Here at the Barnyard I try to provide stories or insight and analysis that tilts conservative because I am conservative. I do read plenty of liberals, if I didn't how would I be able to point out the nabobs, and know that a conservative GOP vote is one to take as positions on gay marriage, abortion, guns, constitutional federalism and the courts, national defense and freetrade come before the legislature. I am still up in the air on the ports deal with DPW as more information has come out, I have moved from a negative surprised view to one of skepticism leaning towards letting the deal go through.
I watched another speech by Mitt Romney today in South Carolina and boy is he smooth and charming with gracious wit and brilliant background. I doubt he could be seriously challenged in debate by any contender out there at the moment. He and his stump speech are well polished already and will only get better, he blows away both Hillary and Mark Warner in delivery, substance and reception of his speeches and he is building his name recognition early among the party faithful. The guy is a doer that walks his talk and the Goat likes those traits.
Cspan also ran an interview with the one and only Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds in what was a very interesting discussion on the blogosphere and its rise in importance in the political and social landscape. Me, I am just an american sharing my thoughts and opinions, if you agree or disagree those are your thoughts and opinions express them as you will.
Update: I belatedly have learned our favorite deputy Fife, Don Knotts, has moved on. I think a bit of Don , Barney, and Mayberry reside in all of us. This is the only Hollywood death I can ever recall bringing genuine pains of loss. Barney, Andy and the rest are part of the family, part of our identity as americans and will always be a part of us.
God Bless and Thank You, Don Knotts, for your humor, faith and quiet dignity!

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