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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Thank You Veterans

If it wasn't for them it is likely the world would be a very different place than it is today and the thought of that world is a very scary one indeed. A very special Thank You to those that have and serve in our Patriot Armed Forces!!!

While much is written and bloviated about by pundits and in elite circles about the slow progress in Iraq little addresses the core reasons behind it, culture. While ours is one of cold efficiency and instant results, theirs is a slower 'God willing' patience or overly swift ineffective and brutal reaction. This instructive essay by Army Lt Col Carl Grunow on training and assisting the ISF as they step on to the battlefield as he spent the last year doing, he details the highlites and the lowlites and explains why, is extremely insightful and a must read for us impatient Americans. (hattip: OpFor, in pdf)

I have to wonder if John Kerry would fall on a grenade to save his fellow Marines? Marine Corporal Jason Dunham and hundreds like him have done just that and so much more to recieve our Nations highest honor, The Medal of Honor, this War's second, I believe, more will surely come. Matt at Blackfive is where I saw the news and he has other links as well as the story.

God Bless Them and God Bless the USA!!!

A special thanks to all the great milbloggers out there that help the rest of us hold the line at home.

PS: Thankfully elections are over for a year or so and I can get back to more interesting and diverse posting along with good news from the front against jihadistan.

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