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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Weekend Roundup

To start off with fellow blogger and friend Lores will have Steve Emerson from CounterTerrorism blog on her radio show tonight, tune in at www.KRLA870.com at 10:00pm pac. He will be discussing his latest book, Jihad Incorporated . The Goat plans on making an appearance mainly to thank him for all he has done to help educate the American people of the Jihadi threat.

Amir Taheri and Victor Davis Hanson have fantastic articles up at Benador exploring our options in the Middle East and cut/run and hide is not one of them.Amir lays out our three options best.

The message to those in search of "elegant solutions" is simple: this is a war, stupid!

And what are the options in a war?

One can fight to win. One can surrender to the enemy. One can panic and run away.

These are the options in Iraq. So, let the debate begin.


This is a war, stupid so fits what our political left can't understand and we did not ask for it nor start it but we must win it for the sake of civilization as we know it. While Amir explores the diplomatic means and dead ends Victor takes a glance at the milataristic view as a reknowned war historian at troop levels, withdrawal, etc..
Here at home we rage incessantly over the problem and its solution. The American public, for its part, has given the administration the go-ahead in two national elections, but apparently not in a third. In all the hysterical debate over Iraq, rarely do we find specifics about the options we currently face.

Win and Win we must! That my friends is our only option and I don't give a rat's ass about who presides over the victory as long as there is victory!

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