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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Weekend Roundup

A little reminder from John Wayne about America is apropo at this moment, click here to see what I know and love.

It seems The New York Times for its November surprise shot itself and the 'Bush lied' crowd in both feet by complaining about Saddam era Iraqi documents available at a Gov't site detailing how to build a nuclear bomb. Cap'n Ed Morrisey at Captains Quarters has the best analysis as he has been going through these documents for months now and has posted about many of them exonnerating the Administration and now the Times has confirmed the validity of those documents. In their mad rush to try and damage President Bush and the GOP they validated millions of documents they have been trying to cover up that are clearly the opposite of the picture they wanted to paint.

Polling data at Real Clear Politics also indicates a very strong move by GOP candidates in individual races. Howard Dean may have been able to make more races seem competitive through his nutroots campaign but can he actually win any of them with his main nutroots organizer and gotver, ACORN, under sweeping Federal investigations of very real voter fraud.

If Democrats are unable to make any real moves in this 'bad' GOP environment, expect sweeping changes in leadership and an abandonment of the loony, angry, potty mouthed left in a major fake to the middle for '08 as HillBillary tries to triangulate.

Saddam is going to swing freely now from the end of a rope, his verdict is passed. Three cheers for the Iraqi court system and the Iraqi people. They can do this, make themselves a great country but not if we abandon them. The Democrats want to run away and leave them, we want them to win and thrive and grow as a free people.

Vote GOP and support Freedom!

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