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Monday, April 16, 2007

Atrocity At Virginia Tech

Gun Free Zone equals a Free Kill Zone, 32 dead, 27 wounded some critically as some nut goes bezerk on campus with noone able to stop him with equal firepower. Anyone that has been to this site before knows this countryboy strongly supports our right to carry. This is horrible and my prayers for the families and students have been flowing since I first got word but have had trouble finding words to express the rage this kind of atrocity brings up in me. This was a deliberately planned and well executed with a 50+% kill ratio, he would have gotten the guns no matter the laws if he was this determined. V Tech is a gun free zone so he had a free kill zone with not even a lawfully armed janitor or teacher to oppose him and possibly lessen the carnage.
Where have we come as a people that a gunman can walk onto a college campus and shoot sixty people with out being atleast bum rushed? Have we lost our cajones? I know this, my niece not only will know how to use a firearm effectively, she will carry one! I have faced down guns and knives, two gunmen ran with nothing, I took a knife and pistol off two others and I left another scene. This is the last straw folks, the gun control lobby is going to come full steam with a new load of fuel and we gotta be ready to stop them. An armed cowardly theif or thug will not chance going after an armed citizen that fears for their life or their family's. As a member of one of America's oldest families,1623, personal defense against criminals and an oppressive government has been long bred into my blood and the 2nd Ammendment stands in testament to that fact, the right to keep and bear arms.
I have posted before I attended a private highschool that tought riflery, and I know for a fact room3 had a sizable arsenal overseen by a former Marine Sgt. and that fool would have barely had a clip emptied before that SGT would have taken him out with a ready .44 mag and a deerhunter's eye. I know because that SGT is my late father and that was his reaction when I asked after Columbine. I have been shooting since I was 4, got my first .22 at 10, .20 gauge shotgun at 13 and have been instinct accurate with a pistol since 13-14, no need to aim. I tripped out an exAF-MP with my handgun accuracy and safe practices.
We can never completely stop the whackos but limiting my right as a law abiding citizen to own guns is not the answer. We actually serve as a limiting buffer to the pathos that run through our open society.

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