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Monday, April 09, 2007

Blessed Monday

I take it as Blessed coincidence that my shop started construction today on its new building. It is not a huge space rented from some landlord, it is a small humble shop on my property. I need not a glossy storefront if my work proceeds me as it does. My goal is simple, as I have no children of my own, it is for my niece to have the chances her mother and uncle did not. She is now four and her father decided he was unhappy being married in some mid-life whoopity snit, the poor girl doesn't know what to think, thank the Lord her Grandmother is a constant. My parents gave me a solid footing from which to build and invested in my future even to this day as I launch my own business.
We all know the family is the nexus of prosperity and happiness, a mom and dad working hard to provide for the richness of that family. Richness is not money, it is the bond a family has through the Lord that nothing can take away. A farmer's work ethic born from survival and dedicated to the Lord provides more lessons than could ever be written here, perhaps we should all study that ethic a bit closer?!?


Goat said...

This is my favorite depiction of the Lord from the Cathedral restoration.
If you are new here just ask.

Goat said...

PL, can you post something cognizant, Geoff, WSY.