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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Small Glimmer Of Light

The Supreme Court upheld the Federal partial-birth abortion ban, a victory for life in our culture of death, and a small victory for the beleaguered Bush administration. He signed the law and appointed two constructionist justices that voted in support of it, social-conservatives can take some heart but their battle is a long one. Of course the moonbats on the left are snorting mad but who cares? These are the same people that want the terrorists to win in Iraq and to see America humiliated on the world stage.
Why do they want this? To set up their New Socialism regime in Washington. Our left supports eugenics just as the Nazis and Socialists of old did. Our left wants the government to run the most intimate detail of our lives, our healthcare, just like the socialists. They want to take away our guns so we can't resist them when they raise taxes through the roof and seek to steal private property or protect ourselves from miscreants, just like the socialists. They want to control our birth, education, where we live, work and how we commute between them, what we eat, drink and breath, what we listen to, read or view, in short control our lives from birth to death as if we are incabable of those decisions.
A decade ago I would have been considered center-left politically now that I have moved to the right and our left has run for the weeds of socialism, I am now a right-wing extremist. I am heartbroken(snort) that my detractors, moonbat troll brigade, MTB, hate me so much that they visit dozens of times a day and regularly post long fiskings of my posts. I was touched(snort) that one, a supporter of child-molestors, actually felt sorry for me, All they are able to do in these fisking is insult me and correct my lack of spellchecker use, they cannot debate the ideas as Newt Gingrich has demonstrated. I am going to lift the moderation on the comment section just to demonstrate. I'll get 'cute' snide, inane comments, nothing with any meat to debate.

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