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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Weekend Roundup

As I have written here before that the 'Global Warming ' hysteria from the left is less about the environment and more about controlling people through regulation and taxation. I am not denying that the earth maybe warming a bit considering Chicago was once under an icesheet a mile thick as little as 10,000 years ago and who really knows if a few degree rise in average temperature will be good or bad? What is the mean temperature for a millions of year old piece of space rock anyway? I know one thing is for sure that anytime the socialist left declares anything as settled scientific concensus one's hackles should rise and wonder why all the huff and puff to silence critics. They screech and wail and threaten those that don't agree, threatening "Nuremburgh" style trials or lack of creditation to meteorologists that don't kow-tow to their line. That should ring all bells that it is not settled science and give clues as to their real agenda, controlling the masses.
NRO's Planet Gore blog is always a great place to go to find these suppressed critics and loads of other information on the environment. They lead me indirectly to a great piece in Reason magazine on how the people of the earth are healthier, wealthier and cleaner than ever before by Indur Goklahany. He excerpts some pices from Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" describing Chicago's stockyards at the turn of the last century and rivers that would burn. Young folks today have no Idea how filthy the air was just 35-40 years ago, or that many rivers were near lifeless and a Great Lake, Erie, was near extinction. I remember well rivers you could not eat the fish or swim and they were covered with sores, they now hold Bassmaster tournments on those same waters and million dollar homes dot the shorelines. Growing up in the South's coal and iron ore belt near Birmingham, Al. the Pittsburg of Dixie, I remember the orange gray haze that would cloak the city in the 60s and early 70s by the 80s they were largely clear and we still produced steel. We have more parks, forests that were largely clear cut have returned and along with them their fauna. Yes this happened in part thanks to early activists like Rachel Carson though wrong in many of their assessments sparked a cleaner future, though deadlier for those in the third-world by banning the use of DDT to fight mosqitos and malaria.
I saw a utube video the other day by Penn & Teller after they sent petitioners to a Global Warming rally on Earth Day to gather signatures for a ban on dihydrogen monoxide saying it was used in everything from pesticides to nuclear reactors which is of course true if you know what dihydrogen monoxide is. They had folks signing up left and right to ban it showing how stupid, uninformed and gullible the alarmists and their sheep are. Would you sign a petition to ban this hydro-carbon? Do you know what it is? It is responsible for untold thousands of dead. Should it be banned?


Goat said...

I know and will link Penn&Teller's video later, even city councils have been fooled. What is Dihydrogen Monoxiide? My answer is we no longer teach real science in schools.

Trader Rick said...

My son did an oral paper at his college last term on DHM, with his teacher's blessing--he reported that nobody got it...