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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I Have To Laugh

The scandal hunters on the left continue to exploit the Mitt"the hunter" Romney non-story, if the truth be told. I am a life-long hunter and gun owner and support the NRA though not a member. I have not been on an active hunt in a decade but that does not postclude me from joining the hunt if I was able to. If you can hit a rabbit with a .22 , you have been hunting and know how to handle a rifle, likewise , if Mitt can bag a few quail after a hiatus, that again shows he knows what guns are about, he hit birds not friends. I admit I sit the fence between allowing well qualified citizens the right to own fully-automatic weapons and a limited assault weapons ban. As Newt said he would be uncomfortable with his neighbor having such, and so would I. I would not be opposed to him owning a high caliber bolt action or semi auto, despite what it looks like. There is a big difference in a belt fed .50, or even auto 7.62 NATO ar16 and my deer rifle, just in looks alone. I support gun education, and if the government is required to pay for abortion as a right. I want my Desert Eagle .50 and AR16 as my Constitutional Right for the taxpayers to fund it under the Second Ammendment. I want taxpayer payed for personal security, I am a taxpayer that has payed for that allotment from the treasury. I will take a class if needed but I want my government guaranteed firearm, after all it is in the Constitution. I went to a high school that had riflery as an optional class and I don't miss rodents and ferral cats in my gardens. The MSM's and some blogs fascination with this is warped, we don't care as long as we can keep our guns! Go Mitt Go!

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