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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Questions For a Lefty Academic

Geoff is a civil lefty and his wife is clergy so I left him some questions after an anti-war/hate Bush rant on his blog.

I know you don't like our POTUS, Geoff but I think you should read alot further than lefty blogs, maybe Michael Yon, Bill Roggio or Michael Totten, neither are GOP. Why can't you take pride in the fact we freed millions of people from tyrany? Why is it so hard to support our noble efforts there? There are brutal terrorist thugs that want to beat the Iraqi people into subnission , why would you aid them by pulling our security blanket? As a Christian why would you subject your felloow Christians to extinction under islamo-fascist law? Do you believe there is real evil we must fight beyond your percieved evil in the Bush administration? Should we fight against the evil of islamo-fascism and sharia law? Should we protect ourselves and our communities from that threat by all means possible? Should we fight or become dhimmi slaves? Tell me professor, you claim to a Christian apologist, tell me sir how you would reconcile this with your view of the war? Should we abandon the good people that Mike Totten and Mike Yon speak of? Would we really be better off if we ran like beaten dogs in the face of their beliefs? These questions will be posted at my site as well so they won't be lost

I wonder what his answers will be?!?

I can't block the moonbats, the next best thing is to engage in hand to blog combat. The cannon are in place and the barrage is just beginning. Time for the assault of ideas that our founders engendered in America , Free, Brave and Powerful.


Anonymous said...

He gave you the typical liberal answer - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

And he confirms it by admitting that he refuses to read anything that is not in lockstep with his beliefs. I cannot imagine living such a one-dimensional existence.

Goat said...

I know Christi, I have gone many rounds with these folks. I knew the anwers before I asked the questions. The questions were as much for his audience as him. He is a smart guy just so deluded it bewilders the mind. Mike Totten is a liberal and so is Mike Yon in the classic sense,JFK or 'Scoop' Jackson. The socialists have taken over the liberal movement despite the antithesis of their beliefs. They no longer believe in freedom but support government control of the people thus their support for Castro, Chavez and Saddam Hussien. They must be stopped!

Trader Rick said...

The interesting thing about the blogosphere, as near as I can tell, is this: Conservatives preach to each other, and cheer each other on, to bolster their own ideas. (no;thing wrong with that.)
I guess the liberals do too. I don't know, the few times I've visited liberal blogs, I've thrown up in my mouth.

But to debate them is futile. We'll never change their "minds". (I use the term loosely).

This is not a criticism, just an observation...

Goat said...

Yeah, Rick, their comment sections seem to be profane contests of insulting anybody that isn't in lock step with them, talk about diversity of thought.

Anonymous said...

Goat, the saddest part is that many of them don't even know what they are doing. They have been taught, have absorbed, or have been brainwashed into a belief system that can never be critically analyzed without retaliation. In my opinion, and I'm sure liberals everywhere would deny this but, they cannot analyze their beliefs because they are not based on truth and their entire thought process would implode.

Trader Rick, I know what you mean about the leftist sites, they are vicious, but I read them anyway. And I like when liberals disagree with me at my site. Some just throw an F bomb and scurry away, but there are a few that will actually engage in a civil debate.