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Monday, March 13, 2006

Mitt Romney, The Talk of The Town.

All the commentators were abuzz about the straw poll this weekend, even my local host,Eric Hoghue was harping on the mormon thing this morning, which has zero to do with his leadership abilities, my phone was dead so I couldn't call in. Eric did acknowledge that this represented a major win for Mitt. He went as far as saying Mitt actually won the poll. There were only a couple of callers negative to his Mormonism, and a couple wondering how same sex marriage got through on his watch. The rest were supportive, I will have plenty more chances to call in. Hugh Hewitt had Mitt on his radio show today and helped bring another root into the spreading grassroots that know this man can and should win.
Meanwhile Mike Spence has reignited the conservative fire that lead to the Gingrich revolution. My prediction is the seats that change will be through retirement or primary vote, not in the general election. I really don't see the dems retaking anything, they don't have a message, or a solution beyond more tax money for the the evergrowing beast or 'Bush whacking'. When you are are off trail in the backcountry, cut off from mankind, that is what I call bush whacking, pun intended. They are way off track and seem to have lost their moral compass. We will see.

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