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Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Rambler

Good comparison of the leaders of both parties by the Hatter, welcome on board.
I agree with her on Mitt Romney, as she pointed out, he is a fiscal genious , and understands how the economy works and how to run complex issues involving massive sums of money.
Meanwhile , Larry Kudlow has some good things to say about the economy.

Despite the grim picture the mainstream media continue to paint about just about everything — the insurgent-ridden reconstruction effort in Iraq, the looming Iran threat, the failed Dubai ports deal, the twin deficits, the president’s sagging poll numbers, the Jack Abrahamoff scandal, and on and on — there’s one thing they just can’t taint: This U.S. economy remains very healthy.
It’s always amazing to listen to conventional demand-side economic pundits and mainstream reporters who try as hard as they can to minimize the excellent performance of the American economy ever since lower marginal tax-rate incentives were put into place almost two-and-a-half years ago. The latest chant is that a warm winter has artificially stimulated consumer spending, and that a day of reckoning marked by a housing-price crash and an overwhelming debt burden is headed our way. This is utter nonsense.

Of course no saturday morning is complete without checking out the latest from Victor Davis Hansen and his observations on Iraq.
In recent weeks prominent conservatives — William F. Buckley, Niall Ferguson, Francis Fukuyama, George Will, to a name only a very few — have, in various ways, suggested that the war in Iraq was either a mistake or unwinnable, or both. The blowing up of the shrine at Samarra, together with subsequent sectarian killings in Baghdad and the failure so far to form an executive branch, were the most recent catalysts that apparently pushed a great number of wearied observers over the edge.

I'll insert more tidbits and maybe a picture as the evening sees fit. I almost forgot this piece in the American Spectator on the Katrina rebuild with some useful insight that conservatives should back. The shear truth of the matter is the scope of the destruction, it will take a long time to clean up. There is no place to house workers, or misplaced residents left, the gulf coast from Pensacola to Galveston was wiped out, many years of growth and labor gone in a single blow, pun intended. It can't be fixed over night by a wave of a bigger beauracray's magic wand. It is going to be slow and require vast amounts of labor in a difficult situation. Mississippi lost its gulf coast communities as well, Alabama and Texas sustained heavy damage yet their governors are handling it much smoother. I will add my support to Baker's proposal. This is also a must read article.
SOME CONSERVATIVES THINK that President George W. Bush approved too much federal money in response to Hurricane Katrina. Many liberals think he hasn't approved enough. Nearly everybody believes that whatever money has been spent has not been spent wisely.

They're all correct.

I will also add the Hatter is much more savvy on movies and pop culture than I am so if an earlier commenter wants to continue that discussion, perhaps she will engage the discussion. She is known for some great posts on modern pop culture, one of many reasons she is here. Hatter, I am sure will enjoy it.
For FYI reasons, a picture post is an open thread to bring good discussions forward or possibly opening a new one with a lucid lead. Thanks for the idea, PL.

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