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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Weekend Rambler

Ah, springfever, and so many activities and chores to do, the golf course calls, so do the many miles of trails nearby and I can't skip the parties in the wine country. I can't wait to get back on the golf course, it is such a great game, besides it keeps my legs in shape for hiking.
On to more serious topics like the war and specifically what we are fighting. I have heard it called a clash of civilizations, it is more a war for civilization against a fanatic religious doctrine of Islam. I don't care what anyone says that tries to lessen that claim including the president. Islam is not peaceful, their own scholars scream for Jihad, holy war against the infidels, captured jihadis tell us, Usama and company have told us time and again. This Lebanonese Christian woman, Brigitte Gabriel can explain it much better than I in this must read speech transcript sent by a reader, a couple excerts:

The west has been wallowing in a state of ignorance and denial for thirty years as Muslim extremist perpetrated evil against innocent victims in the name of Allah. I was ten years old when my home exploded around me burying me under the rubble, drinking my blood to survive as the perpetrators shouted Allahu Akbar. My only crime was that I was a Christian living in a Christian town. I learned at 10 years old the meaning of the word infidel.
As a victim of Islamic terror, I was amazed when I saw Americans waking up on September 12th 2001 asking themselves Why do they hate us? The psychoanalyst experts were coming up with all sort of excuses as to what did we do to offend the Muslim World? If America and the west were paying attention to the Middle East they would not have had to even ask the question. Simply put, they hate me and you because we are defined in their eyes by one simple word, infidels.
We are fighting a powerful ideology that is capable of altering human basic instincts. An ideology that can turn a mother into a launching pad of death. A perfect example is a recently elected Hamas official in the Palestinian Territories who raves in heavenly joy about sending her three sons to death and offering the ones who are still alive for the cause. It is an ideology that is capable of offering highly educated individuals such as doctors, and lawyers far more joy in attaining death than any respect and stature, life in society is ever capable of giving them.
And yet, there are still Americans who are unable or unwilling to recognize the nature or the extent of the threat presented by radical Islam. Whether motivated by naïve wishful thinking or rigid political correctness, they assert that Islam is a moderate, tolerant and peaceful religion that has been hijacked by extremists. They ignore the repeated calls to jihad, Islamic holy war, emanating from the government-controlled mosques of so-called moderate Islamic countries such as Egypt, Pakistan and Indonesia. They refuse to accept that in the Muslim world, EXtreme is MAINstream.
We are fighting an enemy that as much as it hides behind lies, it hides behind obfuscation. It is an enemy in disguise that doesn't wear a uniform. It is an enemy that hides behind political correctness and lives in our midst. It is an enemy that hides behind normal civility and the instinct of self-preservation that thrives to die just to kill us.

Read the whole speech, it is a stemwinder and hits the Islamic nail on the head. islamic sha'ria law and western laws and freedoms are heading for a show down and it ain't gonna be pretty as this is just the beginning of a very long war unless we all submit to Islam. Then which form of islam, they seem pretty adept at killing amongst themselves as well. Oh well, what can you expect from a religion that calls a desert pirate its prophet? Mohammed's, no peace to him, prophecy was death to those that didn't bow to him or pay him not to kill you and live in servitude. That is islam today, convert or choose between death and slavery. Muslims ran the African slave trade and still do and then I hear those idiots in the black community over here jumping on the islamic bandwagon, shameful lack of historical knowledge of islam's treatment of Africans.
I don't trust any of them unless islam can reform itself from within and that does not appear to be on the agenda alongside the destruction of Israel and the West, meaning us the US and our allies.
To further drive the point are stories like this from LGF about a jihadi doctor killing patients and in this chilling sermon or this missive from the nut in the SUV at the university in North Carolina. I know america better wake up or the coffee we smell will be a koranic blend and we'll be banging our heads on the floor five times a day, not me, I prefer the words of Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson and the father of our freedom George Washington. My Saviour is Jesus Christ whose teachings were based in Judaeism, formed millinia before Mohammed was a glimmer in his great gramma's eye. They are welcome to follow a desert brigand if they so choose, we also have the right to defend ourselves when they try to kill us or dictate to us what we can say or do.
A reader sent me this joke:
Three travellers meet at a crossover in Montana, one a cowboy, one an american Indian, and the other a radical muslim student. When this fact comes out an uncomfortable silence breaks out as the cowboy leans back and pulls his hat down low. After a few moments the Indian quietly offers,"Once my people were many now they are few, why do you think that is?
The muslim student sneers back,"Once my people were few now we are many, why do you think that is?"
The cowboy adjusts his toothpick and snorts,"We ain't played cowboys and muslims yet."
Michelle Malkin has been following the Abdul Rahman case closely and here, the afgani man on trial for his life for converting from islam to Christianity, she links to Mark Steyn's comments here, he is a must read.
Sunday Update: Charlie Munn over at the Officers Club examines it as well in this post. He is a student of the middle east so I take his analysis seriously, plus cool posts like this one.

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