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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Rambling On

I just saw John Bolton give a speech to the American Israeli Public Affairs Council on Cspan discussing Iran and boy he pulled no punches. He also hammered on the UN a bit. It was today so I am sure excerts will be out on the blogospere soon. He is exactly the ambassador we need at this time tough and unnuanced.
President push also cemented a strategic alliance with India and really wooed the people there according to some Indian news excerpts I saw, I believe at Powerline. He could care less about his manipulated poll ratings in the press, he is doing his job and this is will be part of his legacy, a very bright part. This is a needed balance against Chinese or Islamic hegemony in the region.
Meanwhile in Iraq, the tempertantrun after the bombing of the Al-Askirya mosque has quieted down, it was understandable. The Iraqi people are fed up with the radicals are increasingly tipping off the soldiers of the MNF and IDF to weapons and terrorists, thanks to tips from locals we have bagged a bunch more in recent days including some important AQ leaders along with massive amounts of weapons and explosives. It is not hard to find out what is really going on over there, I link most of my sources on my blogroll and the rest can be gotten to from anyone of them.
To be honest it is not hard to find out what is going on anywhere if you are willing to dig a little bit with a semi-open mind. The internet is such an information tool that real time reporting from people on the spot is now so prevalent that the press is already behind and even TV news has trouble keeping up. In the time it takes the evening news to run I can visit several sites verifying or debunking what they are saying as they say it, and then find intelligent dicussions of the matter shortly after. Moonbat conspiracy theorists are discounted in minutes and good ideas and analysis spread far and wide, and it is very easy to tell who is well informed and who is not, who takes the MSM at its face and who looks further, who uses partisan talking points and who actually can back them up. A new media elite has definately butted its way into the picture via radio and the internet via blogs and webzines with links to all kinds of information.
The Oscars are tonight, oh happy joy, whoop-di-doo, I am sure the ladies will be resplendant, all primped and polished. So freakin' what, they are actors and actresses, paid fakes and posers, lost in their wierd little world. There are some good people with good intentions that don't make a scene about it but for the most part I see the celebrity circuit as nothing but a bunch of nihillistic narcissistic prima donnas whose own heads have grown so big they think they are actually important. The problem is to many idiots out there actually feed into this warped thinking by worshipping their favorite "star" of the moment. I have met a few famous folks in my time and treated them with the same respect I would a friend's mom.

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