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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weekend Rambler

Blogger was down all day yesterday, I hope they have resolved the problem. It has been an awesome spring weekend here and thus the cleaning bug, long dormant has awoken though it is still to wet to get in the garden. Yes it is time to sweep the winter blues out the door.
Since blogger was down I caught a documentary on the French-Indian War and its place in our history. They have an interesting premise that this is actually the war that shaped america as our future leaders were trained in this war, George Washington learned how to defeat the British as they were routed time and again early on by the French and Indian forces. It was on PBS so look for it again.
I also today watched Al Gore's and President Bush's speeches from earlier this week as well as a sit down with Mitt Romney on Cspan's Q&A . It is hard to miss the seething anger in Al Gore as well as the escape from facts to pure rants. Bush was on his typical stump with more twist to the positive economy and back with his "flyboy" swagger. I am more and more impressed with Mitt Romney everytime I see him, unless things drastically change expect this page to be pro Mitt as my colleague has already shared.
Meanwhile on the war it seems the MSM way overblew our latest air assault in the Samarra region. It makes sense that we can transport more troops more swiftly, accurately and safely by air assault than ground deployed forces facing IEDS and poor roads and placing crack units on the spot almost instantaneously. Bill Roggio as always has tons of coverage at the Fourth Rail. Amir Taheri reports on Iraq and Iran. Victor Davis Hansen casts his glare towards Europe. Of course you must talk to the horse to get it from his mouth so visit, CentCom and Defend America to get the same press briefings the MSM so loves to distort and spin.
You just have to love the moonbats, they are so much fun when they are cranky.(hattip: Right is Right ).
Paul has a few interesting things to add to the conversation as well.
On the lighter side Karen has some cat tales and other fun stuff (this one is a must)

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