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Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday Meanderings

I am sure many people wonder why us Ca. conservatives are so hard headed and control so many key committee seats? If you had to live in Diboxpelosiville, and be conservative, you learn to hit hard and not stop. They are going to stink warfare, the agent diboxipelosicide, guaranteed to make your eyes water and get nothing done, ie, rotten onions, so the government can step in and take care of you. Guess who pays for it? The victim, the minute they go back to work as a taxpayer.
I am glad Arnold Schwartzenegger has a solid hold on reelection. Don't worry America, California hasn't fallen over the brink yet and we have the Gubernator as our 'anchor' man. The GOP has a solid ticket this year and expexts no shifts . Shoot we managed to hold a district vacated by a disgrace, Randy Cunningham, proving being military does not mean you are a perfect machine, yet human and fallible.We also know we have Tom McClintock on his coattail's as LG, the conservative voice. We also know from being in Diboxpelosiville, we have to hold our noses and yell over the stench of their anti-american rallies .
Fellow conservatives this is one of the most important elections of our lifetime, possibly in history, it is not time to sit down, it is time for action like you have never engaged in, activism. We have to get off the highhorses and walk the beat, engage your friends and neighbors, ask the tough questions and have a solution ready. The Dems are tripping all over themselves to make the most anti-American, anti-Israeli statement they can all wrapped in a sweet poisonous clover .
Now is the time to grow the roots, the soil of America is ready, we as conservatives must take advantage of it and I am confident in our message.It is time to remove a few coyotes and add a few more sheepdogs in the Goat's opinion.
Welcome folks from Gov. Huckabee's organization, a very good man to represent. I am glad he is a voice for us in the GOP. I wish the candidatcy well.-
I made reader comments in today's Patriot Post, front page, a tenth birthday well wishing:

“Ten Years! I want to thank The Patriot Post for guiding me from the wilderness of neo-liberalism and showing me that I am actually a constitutional federalist. I am too much a lover of America and Her history to watch it get rewritten and forgotten. Thank you for being ‘Semper Fidelis’ to what our Founders believed and meant. The fact that you are the most subscribed e-journal in the world is comforting, knowing we are heard and have a powerful voice. May ten times as many birthdays pass!” —Sacramento, California

I am sure it has less to do with my writing abilty than the fact I link them regularly. Awesome sight, join if you haven't already!

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