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Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Sunday Frolic

The last few weekends have been absolutely awesome for golf and it is so nice to be back on the links on a regular basis, game's a little rusty but its coming around. The frustrating thing is my once pinpoint iron game is gone but the big and little sticks are keeping me at steady bogey golf. I just need a little more range time and I will have it back together. I really like this club, Plumas Lake, twice in top 100, Golf Mag, its sneaky, open, but with many big trees and an often hidden creek meandering about, alot of reward for the well hit ball but lots of very sneaky trouble. If I can get a membership for the right price, I may go for it, then I will be a true "country club Republican" , LOL.
To be serious Victor Davis Hansen, as usual, has another provacative piece on how to fight this war on islamo-fascism, indeed he cuts rather deep into the loonbats.

1. Any death — enemy or friendly, accidental or deliberate, civilian or soldier — favors the terrorists. The Islamists have no claim on morality; Westerners do and show it hourly. So, in a strange way, images of the dead and dying are attributed only to our failing. If ours are killed, it is because those in power were not careful (inadequate body armor, unarmored humvees, etc), most likely due to some supposed conspiracy (Halliburton profiteering, blood for oil, wars for Israel, etc.). When Muslim enemies are killed, whether by intent or accidentally, the whole arsenal of Western postmodern thought comes into play. For the United States to have such power over life and death, the enemy appears to the world as weak, sympathetic, and victimized; we as strong and oppressive. Terrorists are still “constructed” as “the other” and thus are seen as suffering — doctored photos or not — through the grim prism of Western colonialism, racism, and imperialism.

Claudia Rosett weighs in on the "ceasefire proposal" at the UN.
Unfortunately, if Resolution 1701 has any effect at all, its real meaning is that we now embark on a period in which Hezbollah will seize the opportunity to regroup and reload. The feeble and compromised mix of U.N. peacekeepers and the Lebanese army, which is the force authorized in this resolution, will fail to stop them. Iran and Syria will proceed apace with their terrorist infection and subjugation of Lebanon. The U.N. will wave around this latest piece of paper to try to prevent Israel from defending itself, or, for that matter, defending the rest of us against the “Death to Israel! Death to America!” Hezbollah agenda. Iran’s President Ahmadinejad, enjoying yet another confirmation of the U.N.’s mincing impotence in the face of guns, bombs, rockets, and terror, will continue his fevered preparations to roll out the nuclear bomb.

In sum, it’s already time to start drafting the next resolution:

And from Caroline Glick, also on the resolution.
There is a good reason that Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah has accepted UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which sets the terms for a cease-fire between his jihad army and the State of Israel.

The resolution represents a near-total victory for Hizbullah and its state sponsors Iran and Syria, and an unprecedented defeat for Israel and its ally the United States. This fact is evident both in the text of the resolution and in the very fact that the US decided to sponsor a cease-fire resolution before Israel had dismantled or seriously degraded Hizbullah's military capabilities.

Israel should give the UN a collective middle-finger including the US,just as Syria, Iran and NoKo do on a regular basis, the UN has no stature, the UN needs to stay out of Israeli affairs. Let Israel protect itself against those that proclaim to want its death. Why do we feel the need to stop Israel from defending itself? As Dennis Prager has suggested, when "world opinion" is against you, you know you are morally correct.
If you are ever morally confused about a major world issue, here is a rule that is almost never violated: Whenever you hear that "world opinion" holds a view, assume it is morally wrong.

And here is a related rule if your religious or national or ethnic group ever suffers horrific persecution: "World opinion" will never do a thing for you. Never.

This will be an interesting year for political junkies with much on the table, conversation is welcome, name calling is not. How far left are the moonbats going to be able to move flyover country. We all know what the electoral map looked like in '04. I know I don't want to be ruled by San Francisco, New York and Hollywood, good grief , "The Swamp" in DC is bad enough! We conservatives cannot sit out the vote and let the defeatocrats in! Our very way of life does depend on it whether you prefer to shove your head in the sand or not. Defeat them, submit to islam or die, they tell us everyday! It is our choice........?!?
"It is in vain, sir, to extentuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"--Patrick Henry

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