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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Question

Why should Jews reject their thousands year old heritage and Christians reject Christ because a desert pirate, Mohommed told them to. I am sorry a desert pirate that gained power through violence, raiding merchant convoys till he had enough wealth to fool the fools that he was a prophet, is not my idea of a prophet. He was a violent predatory thief that made up proclamations from God in flowery speech to justify his ungodley acts and called it the koran. I am not fooled and neither is Israel or the non-muslims of the Middle-East. They have been dealing with this for 1400 years, it won't change in our lifetime or our childrens.
Israel tried diplomacy, it got Intifada, it gave up Gaza and got war. To put this in size perspective, if Conneticut started launching rockets at Vermont and kidnapping its police, what do you think would happen? Ok, Conn. refuses to stop attacks until Ver. is out of Conn. territory because Conn. views Ver. as their territory and the rest of the US supports that. That is what Israel is up against. 8000 square miles of desert with no oil, no resources other than the work ethic of the Jewish people to make themselves a free prospering nation yet the Arabs must have it as well as their vast holdings.
Frankly , I am worried about a Persian Arab alliance through radical fascist islam, alla, the Ottoman's and the Great War. August 22nd, is a special day for radical shiites, Iran's President, the day the world must be in flames for the coming of the 12 Imam, end of times games is what they are playing, we already went through that with the USSR, of which Iran is a thin sock puppet. It is pretty obvious Russia is now playing tit for tat for our support of the mujahadeen and Bin Laden against them in Afghanistan, a told you so game, we are just now learning as they still deal with the islamists. In retrospect, who knows, we may have supported the wrong side for the right reasons, only history will tell.
This is my generations third war, I am in my forties, Vietnam, a battle of the Cold War WWIII, Gulf War I, and now GWII. I have learned one thing from it, we must kill them before they attempt to kill us, the classic duel on a grander stage, the world we live on. I am anti-war in my heart though I am realist to know the threat we face. Reversing 1400 years of misplaced history and conspiracy theories won't happen overnight, ask Israel. If 6000 years of carefully written history doesn't convince you then you are a fool as is Patrick Buchanan. I renounce the fool and will not be equated with him, he has the right to his beliefs and speaks for my enemies.

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