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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Weekend Rambler

Sometimes I wish I had not opted for such a large yard, being an avid golfer I insist it look like Augusta knowing full well that may never happen, yet the toil continues, LOL. I am glad to see Tiger back on his game and hope Phil can recover. We need some experienced players to step up their game for the Ryder Cup, my favorite international competition. We have a bunch of unseasoned young guns in our last few team slots and a need for Ryder Cup veterans to step up. Europe has a strong team and I hate losing anything to those ingrates.
For great info on Israel's war with hezbollah and hamas , Yoni has some of the best. Thank God Israel has helped expose the raving lunatics for what they are, moonbats. To support hamas or hezbollah exposes the rampant anti-semitism, not among the right but those on the left, Mel Gipson being the scapegoat.
Is Israel the cause of wars, yes, wars intent on its destruction. I used to support a palistinian state where none has ever existed, Israel did its part in Camp David, Oslo, etc.. What did Israel and the West get, "Intifada" and 9/11, London, Madrid and Bali. It is time for War and it is time we make it in full earnest. The US is fighting with its "pinky"toe and Israel with one leg and one arm tied up. Why can't we just do this right instead of playing polically correct games?
August 22nd, the coming of the twelth imam according to the whacks in Iran and they claim to have a bomb. Wow, that's news, are we ready to actually do something? I can't join our military, screwed up back, it doesn't mean I can't fire a rifle or any light or heavy weapon with deadly accuracy
Will the madman of Iran actually play his hand?
Another great read can be found here.

Tonight, starts the fast of the 9th of Av, when we read the book of Lamentationsas we mourn the destruction of our Temples and other calamities that have befallen the Jewish people on this day. Sitting in the moonlight on a hill across from the Temple Mount, hundreds of our neighbors and friends read together the scary verses about the tragedy that has followed our people for generations. Yet there is a quiet determination which is palpable among the
mourners---a feeling that this war, our war, will ultimately be won, that
redemption is finally on the way, and that our families will prevail.

Support Israel!

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