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Sunday, October 08, 2006

California Initiatives

Here is how The Barnyard will vote besides a straight GOP vote for candidates.
1A- Yes
1B- Yes
1C- Yes
1E- Yes
83- Yes
84- No
85- Yes
86- No
87- NO NO NO
88- No
89- No
90- Yes
Full Text of each Proposition can be found here.
Arnold, leading challeger Phil Angelides by almost 20%, would have had to have a major gaffe in last nights debate and he put on a strong performance. Arnold is a centrist and conservative where it counts and I an just hoping he has some strong coattails to pull Tom McClintock and others along with him. I see a resurgent GOP in California and one that could bring California into play with a Mitt Romney nomination.
While the Democrats wnat to make Mark Foley a major issue, Kim Jong Il claims to have a bomb that he wants to test and Iran steams ahead with their program, Pakistan is losing control as is much of Africa. These are historic times and I don't see the democrats as being able to face up to them with a backbone and I believe America is smart enough to recognize this. We maybe upset with GOP leadership but that does not mean we are ready to throw our local politicians and representatives to the wolves. The DNC has been unable to gain any real traction in several target districts around me despite months of hack adds.
David Cameron , the British Conservative leader, gave quite a speech Wednesday, he is a very good speaker with quite a message. It can be found ar Cspan as well as a Mitt Romney appearence in Iowa and John McCain campaigning for said David Cameron in an actually good speech to The Brit Conservative Party Convention.
Mitt spoke in a barn at a pumpkin festival in Iowa, at a GOP fundraiser and spoke to the grassroot level very well. Mitt is the man and continues to prove it.
Is the left going bankrupt as ACT folds up? (hattip: The Right is Right)
This is interesting, from Korea. and here, North Korea has tested the Bomb.

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