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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Random Ramblings

To rework some old cliches about the war in Iraq. The saying goees lightbulbs burn their brightest before they die, much can be said for the bloodletting in Iraq. The terror gangs are getting more desparate as time goes on and they lose more and more of their leaders. Much of it could actually be compared to criminal gang/mob violence we had here in the US and still do, MS13(Mara Salvastrucha), for example, turf wars. The violence has not been against our troops, until we enter their turf, it has been an attempt to control an area for operation by terrorizing the populace. The same tactics used by gangs here in our inner cities in a much more lawless corrupted environement with ready access to high explosives and other weapons. I am sure many of these gang leaders are Saddamites that had vast underground empires in drugs and weapons smuggling. The same pattern is holding around the world, opium and the Taliban/AQ, as the pressure builds and they lose their ability to launder their money, move weapons and communicate.
That leads to another old saying about getting rid of termites, you draw them out of the woodwork, sunlites kills them. If our policies are drawing out these insidious destroyers, that is a good thing, that way we can eliminate them easier.
The human world is not a pretty place, it never has been, any student of history should know that. No wonder Mohammed is so popular in our prisons among gangsters, he gives them justification for their deeds, with religious justification at that, as the greatest pirate ever. This appears to boiling down to a war against the international criminal cartel, drugs, weapons, counterfiet money, sex slavery, extortion, etc, etc, etc, ie. Columbia and FARC. We are the international SWAT Team, so to speak, and the termites are coming into the sunlight and dying in far greater numbers than they are taking, even of the innocent. They can't sustain this attrition level of fighting men, we are takng them out at roughly 250-1.I would say that is winning a war.
The Democrats want the mighty US to surrender to gangsters in Iraq and Afganistan. The GOP wants to win. So people who should you vote for?!? Win or Give up and hide? Killl them or be killed? Socialism or free markets? Protection of life not a culture of death,ie. abortion, eugenics, and euthanasia? Christmas or solstice? There is a distinct choice before voters, Vote GOP!
Rudy Giulianni looks real good alongside Mitt Romney<:)>

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