Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: Headline,Foley

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Conservative Teen Joke Hurts GOP With Gays, parody, we don't need nor want them, gays nor pranksters of that sort in a respectable party. The recipient of the "nasty" IMs was an adult and thankfully fully exposed a wierdo in our ranks that is now removed from office. We have some very real business to attend to in The Swamp besides this, dang the dems are getting really desparate aren't they. This was aa inside GOP takedown by Denny Hastert to protect himself. It may play to be one of the shrewdest political moves ever, Rove ain't no dummy. I can't wait for the loonbat spin on this. Its gonna be a rollercoaster but the GOP, if we hold on, will walk off with a full grin and giddy.

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